When Is the Best Time and Day to Resign From Your Job (And Why)
Are you thinking of resigning from your job but don’t know when to do it? It can be stressful and difficult, but understanding when the optimal timing is for resignation will make the entire process smoother.
You want to ensure that you’re doing it correctly and in a way that leaves your employer with a professional impression of you as you head into your next chapter.
So if you’re wondering how to make a successful exit from your job, look no further. Experts share their insights about the best time and day to resign, along with reasons why:
You just got the offer for your dream job, and your excitement is barely contained until, that is, you remember that you now need to hand in your resignation.
How best to navigate a tricky situation to make it easier on all parties involved?
Make sure you give two weeks’ notice. First and foremost, make sure you give a full two weeks, whatever day you choose. It will take them much longer to replace you; however, it’s professional courtesy to provide at least two weeks’ notice.
If they choose to let you go sooner, you can sleep easy knowing you gave them the option, and that’s one less thing for them to be upset about when you resign.
Friday, 11 a.m., is the best day to resign
Believe it or not, Friday is the best day to resign. There is nothing like a few days of not being at work to get a little perspective.
On Monday, your manager is busy planning for everything that needs to be done that week, and an unexpected resignation creates a possible situation where they can’t make the best decisions or react in the best way because they are overwhelmed with the week ahead.
On a Friday, they are wrapping things up and headed into a weekend where hopefully, they won’t be spending as much time on work things. It gives them time to vent, has their emotional reaction, and gets space from the shock and probable disappointment.
Then by Monday, they are in a much better head space to schedule time to figure out how to handle the situation. You also officially start the clock that Friday, so they can’t ask for another day if you wait till the end of the day on Monday.
I advise my clients to send a formal resignation at 11 a.m. on Friday. Not in person, not over text, but an official document that creates an official paper trail.
Related: How to Write a Resignation Email
It also gives your manager a moment to process and not have to react on the spot to your resignation. Before or immediately after sending your resignation, schedule a 30-minute meeting on your manager’s calendar around 3 p.m. or 4 p.m. on Friday or first thing on Monday morning.
Title the meeting “Strategy Session.” Monday is the better option, but if you know you need to have a conversation sooner, then 3 p.m. or 4 p.m. on Friday still gives them ample time to process and have a conversation with their boss before sitting down with you.
By scheduling this meeting, you send the message that you want to discuss it, and they don’t have to ambush you in the break room. Most of the stress during the resignation period is not knowing when the conversation will occur.
Preparing for the meeting
You have now set the container that this is a 30-minute meeting. It will most likely go longer, but you have set the stage that there isn’t a lot of time for hashing out the emotional aspects.
Come prepared for the meeting with how you can best help your manager transition your duties. Provide them with a list of all that you do and where you keep everything.
If you have clients make sure you have formulated an idea for how best to handle them. It doesn’t mean they will implement any of what you bring, but by approaching your resignation in this way, you can avoid unnecessary confrontation and guide the process instead of hoping for the best!
Amy Feind Reeves

Career Coach | Founder and CEO, JobCoachAmy | Author, “College to Career, Explained“
Use common sense when selecting a time and day
The start of the weekend or the end of the day is best so your manager has time to process your decision and think about how to backfill your work. Remember, your decision will not have a personal impact, at least at first, as much as it will be a practical one.
Don’t pick a time and day right before a big meeting or presentation. Don’t pick a time or day right before a big personal event in your manager’s life.
While most companies will generally do layoffs on a Friday or Monday, proactively resigning from a role requires you to be much more thoughtful about the timing of your announcement.
You never want to burn bridges by leaving a manager or colleague in a lurch and leaving them to pull an all-nighter.
First, detail your responsibilities and how they will play out on the calendar after you are gone. Also, list the tasks associated with any deliverables you may have in the near future.
Then consider:
- What will be the consequences of your telling someone of your plans? Are the rules of your company such that you will immediately be asked to leave the premises, or will you be able to consult with your manager about reassigning the list of accountabilities you have made? Prepare, mentally, for what lies ahead.
- What is the timing for the bulk of the work? Can you stay to honor those responsibilities, or will those need to be completed by someone else? If the latter, do your colleagues have what they need to complete the work?
- What additional instructions or directions might you need to prepare and leave for them?
Now that you understand:
- The timing of your next commitment
- The timing of your upcoming accountabilities
- What you know will occur once the resignation process is set in motion
- What you personally hope to accomplish in the transition period in between jobs
You can make an informed decision about the optimal time and day to resign.
Here are a few more things to consider:
- What else can you do to make things easier for your manager and peers to adjust to your departure?
- What else can you do before resigning to streamline your departure?
- Who will you be keeping in your network, and who will you ask, potentially, for a reference in the future? Hint: Make sure they know now that you may ask later.
Related: How Many References Should You Have On a Resume
Resign any day of the week as long as you give two weeks’ notice
Before you get too excited and resign from your current job, use this handy dandy checklist.
- You secured your next job before you resigned by getting your job offer in writing.
- You also have a clause in writing that states what happens if the new company rescinds your offer.
- Wait—what??? Did we scare you?
Yep, it’s happening more now than ever before. Companies are rescinding offers days and, in some cases, the morning you start your next job, so make sure you have a clause that states how much money the company will compensate you if, at the last minute, they decide to implement a “hiring freeze.”
Make sure these things are in your official job offer agreement before you say “bye-bye” to your current job.
The day of resigning
OK, you got your new job offer in writing. Now you can resign any day of the week as long as you give two weeks’ notice, and in some cases, you can negotiate more money to stay a few extra weeks.
Related: How to Tell Your Boss You Got Another Job Offer
You could offer, “I can stay a month, and my compensation will need to increase for me to stay longer. Would you like me to stay for 30 days?”
If you are super negotiating savvy, this is one way to give yourself a nice big bonus before starting your new job.
The time of day to resign
Most career coaches will say “end of the day“; by and large, it’s a good idea. You can feel free after it’s over and celebrate with your friends and family.
What is even more critical is when you can have a face-to-face meeting with your supervisor and HR. If your boss is out of the office by Friday noon, don’t wait until 5 pm to quietly send your resignation. It would be best to have face time to finish the job.
Make the most of your resignation opportunity
Most people squander this opportunity. You can get paid more to stay longer, get a counteroffer, and in some cases, more money and a promotion!
Don’t lose these opportunities because you are “afraid,” “unsure,” or “I’m just not good at confrontation,” which tells us—you need help with managing work relationships.
Practice what you will say in front of a mirror, out loud! Refrain from practicing in your head, where we all sound like geniuses until we say it out loud. The best presenters practice out loud, and you should do that too.
Pack your bags and call security
Occasionally, your current employer will pitch a fit and not take your resignation well. If that happens, be ready to pack your bags, clear your desk or files, and get walked out by security. It happens to the best of us.
It’s not fun when that happens, but that shows you that your employer didn’t deserve you to begin with, and now you get a little extra time off to relax before your next career adventure.
Notify your organization as soon as you are sure you plan to leave
Is there a best time of day to resign?
As a former HR Manager, I can truthfully say that the news of a resignation is a setback, regardless of the time of day. That said, please notify your organization as soon as you are sure you plan to leave. For the organization, the sooner, the better.
Personally, I prefer to be notified first thing in the morning. This allows for conversations to take place:
- A plan for transfer of knowledge
- Are you going to backfill the position? Or will the work be absorbed by others?
- Is this person someone you want to fight for, to attempt to keep? (I don’t recommend this as it sends a bad message to your organization).
- If you choose to backfill, are you replacing it with the same title? Or will you look for a more experienced candidate or perhaps an entry-level candidate?
- The employer can get the position posted. The quicker the employer can post the vacated role, the quicker they can begin new candidate consideration.
These are conversations that take place in nearly every professional-level resignation. It is important to give your employer as much time as possible to plan.
End of the day resignations
While the result is the same, an end-of-day resignation will only prolong what you already know. Give your employer the day to work on their plan.
Additionally, if you give two-week notice by resigning at the end of the day, you have robbed your organization of a full day of mitigation planning.
Please, always give a two-week notice. For reasons known only to you, you have chosen to move on. I respect the choice for change. Out of respect for your employer, please give them as much notice as possible.
If you can give more than two weeks, please do so. If you are in a leadership position, you should give a minimum of three to four weeks’ notice.
Employees will always come and go. How the employer reacts to the change will speak volumes about their leadership capabilities.
As far as the resigning employee, be respectful of your employer. Because it was no longer the best position for you does not mean you were not valued. It simply means you have found a place better suited for you.
Alicia Shelley

Blogger Resignations and Employee Advocate, Queen Of Quit | Author, “Resigned: How to Know When It’s Time to Go“
Hand in your resignation letter on a Thursday or Friday
When is the best time and day to resign from your job? Any old time or day will do if you are desperate to quit.
If you would like to resign with professionalism and avoid burning bridges, however, I have a few suggestions.
Being attuned to the work environment and your supervisor’s schedule is the key to a successful resignation.
- If your boss has just received bad news, if they are preparing for a big meeting, or are otherwise distracted, then it’s probably the wrong time.
- If you know they are more pleasant or less busy right after lunch, then request a meeting with them in advance to discuss the subject.
- If your boss works late, many resignees wait until most other staff are gone for the day to keep the drama to a minimum.
Before you tell your boss, you should never discuss your resignation with other co-workers. No matter when you choose to resign, it is unlikely an unwelcome message. Your chances for a civil meeting multiply by being thoughtful in picking a good time.
If you work a typical Monday through Friday schedule, I suggest handing in your resignation letter on a Thursday or Friday. That timing gives you the full next two weeks to fulfill your commitment to the company with a two-week resignation notice.
Of course, if you’ve been hired for a new role and have less than two weeks before it begins, give as much notice as possible if there are no benefits or contract issues with giving less than two weeks’ notice.
The reality is that unless you expect to be hired back to your company in the future, it doesn’t affect your permanent employment record in most industries to give less than two weeks’ notice.
It’s best not to resign when your boss is out sick or on vacation; that can come across as avoidant and unprofessional.
If you’re unhappy with your current job, it’s important to know when the best time and day to resign. This can help you avoid potential confrontations or difficult conversations with your employer.
Here are some tips to keep in mind when deciding when to quit your job:
Resign on a weekday morning, preferably earlier in the week
If you’re ready to resign from your job, human resources professionals generally advise resigning on a weekday morning—preferably earlier in the week.
Resigning at the start of the week helps keep staff turnover low and gives everyone involved time to ensure all necessary steps are taken care of quietly and smoothly.
It also allows for less productivity disruption, allowing everyone involved to transition with minimal conflict and effort. Ultimately, this approach helps ensure that both you and your employer can leave with good relationships intact.
You should schedule a meeting with your boss to deliver the news in person
It is always best to maintain dignity in the workplace. If you have news to share with your boss, it is a courtesy to schedule a meeting for face-to-face communication.
Not only does this demonstrate professionalism and respect for you and your boss, but it also maintains a good reputation with colleagues and superiors.
In the meeting, be sure to deliver the news clearly, concisely, and without any embellishments or hyperbole. By taking this approach, you will ensure positive outcomes while maintaining dignity and professionalism in the workplace.
Give two weeks’ notice
This is standard protocol and gives your employer time to find a replacement. Giving your employer two weeks’ notice (minimum) when you decide to leave a job is not only standard protocol, but it also displays a level of courtesy and consideration.
It grants your employer the opportunity to find an adequate replacement while avoiding any disruption in business operations. After all, finding a competent employee to take on a role can be a headache for your boss— so be sure to be thoughtful and provide ample time for them before you start your new role.
Ultimately, providing two weeks’ notice at a minimum allows employers and employees to transition smoothly into the next chapter.
Be prepared for questions about why you’re leaving and what your next steps are
As you prepare for the conversation about why you are leaving your job, it is important to remain honest and respectful of your employer.
Do not get petty or give too much personal information; instead, talk about how the position no longer matches what you are looking for in career growth and development.
Related: Should I Tell My Employer Where I Am Going When I Resign?
It is also smart to already have an idea of your next steps so that you can discuss concrete plans and demonstrate a commitment to bettering yourself.
Alternatively, if you are leaving without having another job lined up, that’s also ok for people with a buffer of 3-6 months of savings to tide them over. You just need the headspace and some downtime to chill and re-assess what is important to you.
This is the ideal scenario if you are tired, jaded, and burnt out from your current role and want time to think before making your next move.
Related: How to Recover From Burnout
Remember to be truthful but polite. Honesty will be respected more than trying to downplay the situation with platitudes and excuses.
Express gratitude
Thank your boss for the opportunity, and express gratitude for what you’ve learned.
As an example, you could say:
“As I move on to the next stage of my career, I would like to thank you for the incredible opportunity you gave me. Working at this company has been integral in my personal and professional growth.
I have learned many valuable skills I am grateful to have acquired while here. I believe that together we have contributed to positive change in the company and its environment, which makes me proud.
In addition, your guidance and support have helped me grow in more ways than one. Thank you for believing in me and offering me this platform to launch into the world of work; I will treasure this experience forever.”
Remember, you’re not obligated to give a reason for resigning
Sometimes it’s just time for a change. Resigning from your current job is rarely an easy decision to make, but sometimes it’s the right one.
It can feel a little awkward and even stressful if you’re unsure how to handle the situation without burning any bridges—especially when you don’t want to provide a reason for why you’re leaving.
Although it might be tempting to voice all of your frustrations with current leadership and management, remember it’s best to stay polite and professional about the entire process.
Remember: What Does It Mean to Be Professional at Work?
After all, that job you are leaving might need help replacing you, and companies talk! Stay positive during this time of transition because it could lead to more interesting opportunities for your future career growth.
Resigning can be a scary and daunting task, but following these simple steps will make the process much smoother.
Resigning from a job can be a daunting experience, and there’s more to it than just writing up an email or letter of resignation. Timing your resignation correctly can make the process easier for both you and your employer.
Related: 20+ Best Subject Lines for Resignation Email Messages
But when is the best time and day to resign from your job? Let’s take a look at some tips on timing your resignation.
It’s best to resign during office hours on Monday or Tuesday
There’s no single answer to this question, as much depends on the individual circumstances of each situation. As a general rule, however, it’s best to resign during office hours on weekdays to give your employer ample time to adjust and plan accordingly.
Doing so allows them to discuss possible replacements with their team before the weekend starts. It also gives them enough time to debrief you if necessary and ensure that all company information remains secure.
Additionally, if you have any projects that are ongoing or pending deadlines, make sure they are completed before you submit your notice so that there is less burden placed on management and for them to manage your workload after you leave.
If possible, try to give at least two weeks’ notice before resigning; this is especially important if you have tasks that will be left unfinished when you depart.
Ideally, you should aim for Mondays or Tuesdays as the best days of the week when submitting your resignation letter. This gives you plenty of time during the workweek for any final conversations with colleagues or employers and ensures everyone is present in case questions arise about what needs to be done next.
Bear in mind, too, that Fridays are usually not ideal days for submitting notices as many people may already be off work by then or about to leave for their weekend plans soon afterward.
Resigning from a job can be difficult, but getting the timing right can make things easier for all involved parties and help avoid any unnecessary disruptions due to unforeseen circumstances.
Ultimately, though, much depends on individual circumstances, so use these guidelines as a starting point but do not feel restricted by them—you know best when it comes down to deciding when is the right moment for you!
The best time and day is what works for both you and your employer
There is really no best time or day to resign from your job. When it comes down to it, the best time and day is what works best for you. However, there are a few factors to consider when resigning from your job.
First, it is important to make sure you provide notice as soon as possible. This will give your employer time to find a suitable replacement and plan accordingly.
It is also important to provide at least two weeks of notice since it’s only courteous to give your employer enough time to find a replacement.
Second, it is crucial to consider the impact of your resignation on the company and how it might affect morale. You should avoid resigning around significant times in the year, like holidays or when other major projects are going on that may be affected.
Instead, aim for a time when it won’t be disruptive to operations or cause extra stress on your colleagues.
Finally, consider the type of relationship you have with your employer and decide how much notice you should give. If you have a good relationship with your employer, then two weeks may be sufficient.
However, if there is tension between you and your employer, it may be best to provide four weeks of notice. This will give your employer enough time to make arrangements for your replacement while also allowing you to leave on good terms.
Overall, the best time and day to resign from your job is what works for both you and your employer. Make sure you think through all the potential consequences before making a decision so everyone can move forward in the most practical way.
Break the news to your boss on a Friday during a scheduled meeting
The best time and day to resign from your job would be when you finish a project or a shift in your work week. I also recommend breaking the news to your boss on a Friday during a scheduled meeting where you can give your resignation and discuss appropriate notice to finish your work.
Fridays are a great time to have the meeting, assuming you work a Monday to Friday job so that if you and your boss have feelings about your resignation, you have the weekend to process the feelings away from work.
The best time to resign from a job is under the following conditions:
It is best to resign from a job when you have secured another job that you can transition to seamlessly. This is the ideal situation and will make resigning from a job much easier on your stress level.
Only you can decide what you need financially to live, so it is an important consideration when resigning from a job.
When your job starts to affect your mental or physical health in a way that is disrupting your life, and you have already tried to change your employment circumstances, but nothing will budge, it is a good time to resign from your job if you have the financial means.
Related: 90+ Signs You’re Mentally and Emotionally Exhausted
If you feel stagnant in your growth and there is no room for growth, it is a good time to resign from your job as long as you can swing it financially.
Deliver the news on a Friday afternoon
It could be any day, but it is ideal to deliver the news on a Friday afternoon. This assumes, of course, that the employee is valuable to the company; thus, their departure will be a loss, giving their manager some time to digest the news and plan how to proceed. This, however, could spoil their weekend.
Otherwise, tell your manager or boss any time during the work week because some bureaucracies could still be in place depending on the organization.
Ultimately, it comes down to several factors, including the employee’s value to the organization, the relationship between the employee and the boss or manager, unfinished projects or tasks, and other factors.
Resign at the end of your workweek
Resigning at the end of your work week is generally considered the best time to resign from your job. This gives you the weekend to give your boss ample time to find a replacement, and it also gives you the weekend to tie up loose ends.
HR experts will generally advise you to give at least two weeks’ notice when resigning from your job. If you have a contract agreeing to give more notice, then you would need to abide by that as well.
Of course, there are other factors to consider when deciding the best time and day to resign from your job. For example, if you work in a particularly busy or competitive field, waiting until the end of your work week may not be ideal.
You will also want to consider factors like your current workload, your personal commitments, as well as the needs of your employer.
Accordingly, remember that you have bills to pay and other responsibilities, so weigh all the factors carefully before making this important decision.
If you have a new job waiting for you, for example, it may be worth it to resign early to start as soon as possible. If you wish to take a break before moving on to another opportunity, consider how you’ll get by for the next few months without a steady income.
Brooks E. Scott

Executive Coach | Interpersonal Communications Expert | Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Advisor, Merging Path
Resign at the end of the month to stay employed until the 1st of the following month
Are you looking to get promoted in your organization? Contrary to popular belief, a good way to make this happen is to make yourself replaceable.
If you’re in a position where your manager can’t imagine a world where you aren’t doing what you’re doing to make them look good, why would that person move you to another position?
Once you’re stuck where you are, regardless of the reason, it might be time to resign. If that is your decision, try to deliver the resignation at the end of the month to stay employed until the 1st of the following month.
In most states, employers are required to provide you with health insurance until the end of the month if you are past a certain age. This isn’t a privilege; it’s a right.
Try Tuesday or Wednesday to relay the news
The best time to resign from your job is when you have accepted a new position and when the timing works best for both you and your employer. Resigning during a high-pressure, hectic work period should be avoided because leaving then could destabilize the company’s workflow.
Additionally, no good lasts forever, so if it seems that the company dynamic has taken a turn for the worse, it is time for you to move on and submit your resignation.
Since people are creatures of habit and like routines and consistency, try to look for an ideal day, such as Tuesday or Wednesday, to relay the news.
- On Mondays, people may be preoccupied with their weekend activities.
- Fridays, people may already be in a hurry to start their weekend.
- Thursday, financial reports are due, which is inconvenient timing for handing in any news that might affect one’s plans.
Therefore, Tuesdays or Wednesdays make sense because they rest firmly in the middle of most office weeks.
It depends on your personal circumstances and your employer’s needs
The best time to resign from your job will depend on your personal circumstances and the needs of your employer.
Here are some factors to consider when deciding when to resign:
In general, it’s best to resign on a weekday rather than a weekend. This gives your employer time to process your resignation and start making plans for your departure.
It’s also a good idea to resign in person rather than via email or over the phone to have a face-to-face conversation with your employer about your departure.
If you’re currently working on a major project, it’s probably best to wait until it’s completed before you resign. This allows you to finish what you’ve started and leave on a positive note.
Many companies have a required notice period for employees who are resigning. This can be anywhere from a week to several months, depending on the company’s policies and your job role.
It’s important to adhere to this notice period to maintain a professional relationship with your employer and to give them time to find a replacement for your position.
Some companies have policies that prohibit employees from resigning during certain times of the year (e.g., during busy seasons or at the end of the fiscal year). If this is the case, you may need to wait until it’s an acceptable time to resign.
Friday at the end of the day is a good rule of thumb
The best day and time to resign depends on your current and future work situation, but generally, Friday at the end of the day is a good rule of thumb.
You’ll want to be considerate to your employer, and by resigning on a Friday, you’ll have completed all your work for the week so that your employer doesn’t have to scramble to delegate important tasks to others.
It also gives your employer the weekend to make plans for the following week to fill the work gap and recruit someone new.
The point is that you want to try to cause the fewest issues for the employer possible. They will likely give you a good reference and may even leave the door open for you to return to the company if the right situation arises.
Related: How and When Does an Employer Check Your References?
You always want to try not to burn bridges.
Resigning on Friday also gives you time to regroup over the weekend. You can relax and recharge, so you’re ready to move on to your new adventure. Giving yourself time to refocus can help you to start fresh and gather your motivation to hit the ground running at your new job.
Of course, you might also want to spend part of the weekend celebrating the next chapter of your life!
As I have been working for over 30 years, it’s not surprising that I have had my share of different positions at various companies. What also should come as no surprise is that I left all these jobs when I opted to quit.
Related: How to Tell Your Boss You’re Quitting
Regardless of the reason I left, one thing remained true. I always tried to find the best time and day to resign from my job. Is there really a best time, though?
Resign at the beginning of your workweek
For many, their workweeks start on Monday. Others might not have a traditional office job with typical hours. If you resign at the beginning of the week and give notice, you will be able to leave at the end of the following week.
If you quit and the company doesn’t accept your notice and wants you to go immediately, you will have time to pack up your personal belongings. You also won’t need to worry that you are affecting the beginning of someone’s weekend—namely, your supervisor’s.
Speaking of the weekend, the last thing you want to do is resign on the last day of the week. If you do, you might spend all weekend pondering if you made the right decision.
You might also upset your supervisor and still need to work for them for another week or two. Do what you can to make it as comfortable as possible.
Resign at the end of the day
Similar to avoiding resigning before your workweek’s end, if it’s the morning or the start of your shift, now is not a good time to resign.
If you give notice early in your workday, you might be bombarded throughout the day by coworkers who were told through the gossip mill that you gave your notice.
You do want to leave enough time after you’ve given your notice to talk to your supervisor about why you are leaving if you feel this is appropriate.
Most importantly, you want to be able to leave the building before you start feeling uncomfortable.
Resign at the end of the year
If you have been looking to start over in your career and now you can, resigning in December might be an ideal time for you. This is generally the end of the work year for accounting purposes.
This will mean that you can start the next year fresh with a new job and possibly even a new outlook on life.
Regardless of how you opt to resign, you must submit your resignation in writing. This can be done via email or on stationary, though ideally, you will provide a copy of your resignation in both formats.
You don’t want any miscommunication or misunderstanding about your intentions, and putting your resignation in writing will help you avoid that.
Also, whatever you do, don’t resign on a whim. You don’t want to quit without having a plan, as you might not be able to retract this after it is done. Now that you are resigning, congratulations! The best of luck to you in your new endeavors.
Tender your resignation on Friday morning
Fridays usually see a reduced activity level in most companies as people prepare their minds for the weekend ahead. Most management-level staff will also be planning for the upcoming week and therefore taking stock of several aspects of the workforce.
Tendering your resignation on Friday morning is perfect as it allows you to handle your work throughout the week and walk out with your reputation still high.
At the same time, resignations on a Friday morning allow the company to go into the weekend and the new week focusing on how to fill the gap you’ve left.
This is an excellent day for people exiting toxic workplaces since your employer will likely think about a replacement over the weekend rather than try to sell you the idea of staying when your mind is made up.
Job resignations are also known to take a psychological toll on the people who resign. Taking advantage of Friday mornings ensures you can have time over the weekend to refresh your mind and start the new week at a new workplace or begin your job search without any backlog from your previous employer.
Resign on a Friday or the last day of the week
When deciding when is the best time and day to resign, you should consider a few factors. It’s best to give your employer two weeks’ notice before your departure. In some cases, however, this may not be an option.
When giving two weeks’ notice isn’t an option, it’s best to resign on a Friday or the last day of the week. It gives you and your employer some time to transition before the start of the next work week.
When deciding when to resign, consider your current working situation. If you’re in a highly stressful position or have an especially difficult boss, resigning sooner rather than later may be beneficial.
On the other hand, if you have a great relationship with your manager and team, it’s worth considering giving two weeks’ notice so you can wrap up any projects and transition more smoothly.
The benefits of resigning on a Friday
When resigning from your job, it’s usually best to do it on a Friday. It gives you the weekend to relax and mentally prepare for the changes ahead.
Additionally, if you leave your job on a Friday, you have the entire weekend to potentially think of things you must prepare before your departure.
Moreover, resigning on a Friday can help your employer transition more smoothly. They may have time over the weekend to start looking for a replacement or delegate any necessary tasks.
The ideal day to give your notice and resign is towards the middle of the week
The best day would be Tuesday or Wednesday because your employer would have time to adjust, and you would have two or three days till the weekend to inform your coworkers of your impending leave.
Although it’s customary for workers to resign on Fridays, doing so is frequently erroneous. You know, it wouldn’t be nice for your employer to learn that a valuable employee had passed away right before the weekend.
Additionally, you wouldn’t want to quit your work and have a tense goodbye with your boss, would you? After all, you never know when you might require a favorable reference from your supervisor.
Related: Can I List Someone as a Reference Without Asking Them?
Furthermore, you may be able to negotiate your position at the company if you provide your notice of resignation, for instance, on a Wednesday.
Frequently Asked Questions
How should I resign from my job?
Once you have decided on the timing of your resignation, you should consider how you’ll resign. Here are some tips:
Schedule a meeting: It’s better to give notice in person than by email or phone. Set up a meeting with your boss to discuss your resignation.
Be honest: It’s important to be honest about your reasons for quitting, but try not to be too negative or critical.
Be professional: Even if you’re resigning due to negative circumstances, it’s crucial that you remain professional and courteous throughout the process.
Offer to help with the transition: Offer to help with the transition process, such as training a successor or taking care of loose ends.
Write a resignation letter: Following your meeting, draft a formal resignation letter to ensure there is a written record of your resignation.
How do I prepare for life after my resignation?
Resigning is a major decision that can feel overwhelming, but it can also be a fresh start. Here are some tips to help you prepare for life after resignation:
New job opportunities: If you haven’t found a job yet, don’t panic; start planning your future by reviewing “job search tips,” such as polishing your resume, updating your social media profiles (e.g., LinkedIn), and exploring new networking opportunities.
Take a break: After your resignation, take time to catch up with old friends and family or pursue a personal hobby. Take the time to regroup and prepare for the next chapter in your life.
Stay in touch: Maintain contact with former colleagues, supervisors, or other professional contacts, as they can provide invaluable resources in the future.
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