How to Answer “Why Should We Hire You?” (With 15+ Examples)

How to Answer “Why Should We Hire You?” (With 15+ Examples)

Are you about to embark on a job interview and dreading the moment when an employer asks, “Why should we hire you?” 

Don’t worry — many people feel anxious about this question, and it can be intimidating to provide a strong and concise answer that stands out from other candidates. 

However, a well-crafted response can help you put your best foot forward and show potential employers why they should choose you. 

According to experts, here are ways to answer this common interview question, along with examples, so you can confidently state why employers should bring you on board.

Kateri Waltermyer

Kateri Waltermyer

Executive resume writer | Career Coach and Founder, Hire This Mom

No matter what job you’re interviewing for, certain skills will help you make a great impression and stand out from the rest of the candidates. 

No one knows this more than management consultants, who start new projects every few months and have had years to practice and master the skills of quickly conveying their value, asking the right questions, and hitting the ground running.

Do your research ahead of time and know the company’s culture, values, and goals

Taking the time to do your research before interviewing for a new job can be a great way to stand out as a candidate by showing that you’re interested and engaged. 

Additionally, being informed about the company’s culture, values, and goals will help you determine if the job is the right fit for you.

Doing your homework ahead of time will impress prospective employers and give you a better understanding of what to expect in the role and day-to-day work activities.

If possible, having an informational interview with a current employee is the best place to start. If that’s not possible, you can look into recent news, press releases, publications, annual plans, and even the company’s social media pages.

Prepare questions that show you’re knowledgeable about the company and the role

Asking questions in an interview can be a great way to demonstrate your interest in the company and enthusiasm for the role you’re applying to. 

Now that you’ve done your research and have knowledge about the company, I suggest compiling a list of thoughtful and informed questions about the company’s history, goals, or recent achievements.

Additionally, asking questions about specific requirements of the role not already outlined in the job description is a great way to show that you understand what will be required from you if given the position.

In any case, it’s important to make a separate list of questions tailored to each person you will meet with. If you know the names of your interviewers ahead of time, it’s also completely acceptable to review their LinkedIn profiles before the meeting. 

Doing so will go a long way in demonstrating your dependability and genuine interest in joining their team.

Talk about your skills and experience and how you can help the company

When preparing for an interview, I take time to think about exactly how my skills and experiences can help the company reach its goals. I like to refresh myself on specific tasks or projects I’ve accomplished in my career and practice articulating how they helped the company or client succeed.

For example, if interviewing for a program management role, I might explain how my experience setting up governance structures helped to turn around a challenging project and meet an aggressive deadline. 

This approach in an interview gives me confidence that I’m bringing valuable skills and helps the interviewer understand how I would help resolve similar challenges in their organization.

Be confident but not arrogant

Remember that they want to get to know you as a person and a professional. Confidence is key when interviewing for a job, but remember that interviews are also designed to get to know the person behind the resume. 

It’s ok to share some small personal details, especially if you can relate to the interviewer on something you have in common, like a favorite sports team or alma mater.

Show humility and respect for yourself by speaking to your strengths and acknowledging your development areas while expressing a strong commitment to growth. 

This way, you’ll demonstrate that you’re confident without appearing overly arrogant. This attitude can make a strong impression on you as someone who is self-aware and internally motivated.

Related: Arrogance vs Confidence – What Are the Key Differences?

Create a dialogue during the interview

When interviewing for a job, it’s important to remember that you are there as an equal partner in the conversation—you’re not just there to answer questions. 

A quick way to interview for jobs powerfully and help you come across as more confident is to change the dynamic to make it more of a two-way conversation. 

Pretend you are meeting this person at a party: you would ask about them and ensure you’re as inquisitive as they are. Push yourself to be curious about the interviewer. 

Asking thoughtful questions can help you better understand what the role entails, what it’s like to work on the team, and how well your background might fit the job. 

Ask your questions in a way that helps create a dialogue with the interviewer, and then tie their answer back to your experience and how you can help them. 

Don’t be afraid to drive the conversation, especially if you’re interviewing for leadership roles

Imagine that you already have the job and you’re starting tomorrow. What would you want or need to know to ensure you’re doing a good job? 

Asking questions like this gives the hiring manager a sense that you are invested in the company’s success and understand what needs to happen to make their goals a reality. It’s also a clear indication that you would make an excellent leader.

Related: Top 7 Leading Traits of Good Leaders

No one can deny that interviews can be intimidating, but if you go in prepared with research and questions, as well as a genuine curiosity to learn more about the interviewer, the company, and the role, you’ll automatically feel more comfortable and confident.

Olivia Smith

Olivia Smith

Master Certified Professional Coach (MCPC) | Transformation Expert and Founder, Write a New Story

Know and be who you are

The first step in the employment journey starts within you. It’s an inside-out job! 

If you are seeking a serious employment opportunity where you will benefit your employer, maximize your strengths and talents, grow within the company, and find personal fulfillment, then you must be confident in who you are and know what types of positions for which you are naturally best suited.

A great way to better understand “who you are” is to take a behavioral assessment such as the DISC Assessment from a certified professional who can debrief you on your results. 

This assessment gives you an up close and personal window into your world, both how you behave naturally and in a work setting. Once you have a solid understanding of the assessment information, use it to apply for positions that are a good fit with who you naturally are. 

Seeking positions with which you are a natural fit is a good recipe for long-term success and personal fulfillment.

Openly and confidently discuss your strengths and how they fit with the job

Now that you are more in tune with “who you are,” both naturally and in a work environment, you can openly and confidently discuss your strengths and how they fit with the job requirements for which you are interviewing. 

In your interview, give specific examples of how these strengths will benefit the company and others with whom you will work. Also, give past examples of how you have used these strengths to accomplish the goals you have been given. 

Related: How to Best Answer “What Are Your Strengths?” in a Job Interview

It can also be powerful to discuss past positions that were not as good a fit and why, and what you learned from those experiences that make you a better judge for the job you seek.

Describe how you would go above and beyond

Once you have discussed how your strengths match the job requirements, ask the employer what top three qualities they are looking for in their new hire. Once they answer, describe how you would go above and beyond to demonstrate each of those qualities if hired. 

Give examples of how you have exhibited those qualities in your personal and/or professional life. 

Employers are looking for problem solvers. Explain to them how your strengths position you to be able to turn obstacles at work into opportunities. Let them know that when you see a problem, you will focus on solutions and not the problem!

A candidate who demonstrates confidence in who they are, articulates their strengths, how they benefit the company, and how they will exceed the employer’s expectations set them apart.

An employer doesn’t want to fill a position with anyone but the right person. Don’t wait for the employer to ask, “Why should we hire you over everyone else?” As the interview is winding down, make the statement: I’d like to tell you why you should hire me over all the other candidates.” 

Have your closing statement prepared. Be bold, be brief. The last time I used this tactic at the close of an interview for a very competitive position, I was hired. I didn’t wait to be asked.

Bruce Hurwitz, Ph.D.

Bruce A. Hurwitz, Ph.D.

President, Hurwitz Strategic Staffing, Ltd.

Answer with: “Because you don’t want me working for your competition”

There are two types of questions in any job interview: the expected and the unexpected

The “expected” all relate to the job description. Candidates know they will be asked to confirm their qualifications and to provide examples of what they have done in the past vis-à-vis the job requirements. 

It’s the “unexpected” that is the problem. Every interviewer has their own favorite questions. Some are “gotcha,” and some are just a surprise. All come out of the left field. 

For example, when I am interviewing candidates for positions with my executive recruiting clients (employers), among other things, I ask:

  • “What do you care about?”
  • “What are you curious about?” 

The idea is simply to get to know the candidate as a person.

When I am working with a career counseling client, I will ask the standard questions: 

  • “What do you know about us?” Meaning the company.
  • “Why did you apply for the position?”
  • “What is your greatest weakness, and how do you overcome it?” 
  • “What was your greatest failure, and what did you learn from it?”

I’ll also ask about strengths and successes. These are all standard. Usually, some are asked, but not always.

When a career counseling client or candidate with an employer-client has been interviewed, they usually contact me so we can review the questions and their answers. 

Some have come out of the left field, and the client/candidate “blew” the interview at that point. They are usually silly questions. 

One candidate was entirely thrown off track when he was asked, “What was the last movie you saw?” He couldn’t remember and, for whatever reason, could not concentrate, which cost him the job.

Another time, it was actually the first time a client told me he was asked, “Why should we hire you?” After we spoke, I thought about it and was surprised that it had not been asked previously.

When I asked him how he responded, he said, “Because you don’t want me working for your competition.” I don’t know why, but I thought that was an awful answer at the time. I was wrong; he was right. Because of that answer, he got the job offer. 

I honestly don’t remember why my initial reaction was negative, but today, I think it was brilliant, and that is what I advise my career counseling clients to reply to when asked. I also tell them to make sure to smile when they say it.

Colin Smith, CPA/ABV

Colin Smith

Entrepreneur | Freelance Accounting Consultant | Career Coach, CPA Exam Maven

Demonstrate how you can add value and fit within their organization

While there’s no way to prepare for every possible question a hiring manager could ask you, one that you’re likely to encounter is “Why should we hire you?” or some variation. 

To answer this question successfully, consider why you were called for a job interview in the first place. The interviewer has your CV in hand and already knows about your educational qualifications, skill sets, job experience, and a sense of your background. 

What they don’t know is what sets you apart from the other applicants, your mindset and approach to work, and what you can bring to the table. 

The ultimate objective is to demonstrate how you can add value and fit within their organization. You’ll want to demonstrate your ability to meet the technical aspects of the role while also appealing to the company’s culture and work ethic. 

Try to take cues from the interviewer and your knowledge of the company to gauge what types of things they might value the most out of the role. 

To illustrate how this might look, let’s examine how you might answer this question in a few different circumstances.

Highlight technical and people-management expertise gained from previous jobs

Example 1: Let’s say the role you’re interviewing for is a managerial position and requires a high level of technical skill and industry knowledge. In that case, you’ll want to highlight your previous experience working with similar companies and your people-management skills. 

The deeper your experience, the more profound the effect will be on the interviewer. Mention a couple of significant achievements to indicate that you can do the same for this company.

Let’s look at how you can craft a response that highlights both your technical and people-management skills:

“Throughout my 15 years with Big Time Accounting firms, I regularly managed and led 5-10 person project teams to tackle complex accounting projects with SaaS industry clients. 

I’m well versed in the unique issues that software companies face, along with the challenges that come with managing a team toward various projects and competing priorities. 

To highlight this, I’ve been recognized by my peers as the ‘work-life balance manager of the year’ for two out of the past three years.” 

Appeal to the culture of meeting deadlines

Example 2: Meeting deadlines are integral for those working in project-based roles, so interviewers are likely to respond favorably if you can address this point. 

Hiring managers also know that meeting or missing a deadline can be the difference between keeping and losing clients or facing stiff penalties. It also affects a company’s reputation and the ability to attract new clients.

Demonstrating how committed you are to meeting deadlines and giving some insight into your project management style can give you an edge over other candidates.

Let’s have a look at how your response might look if you want to highlight your project management skills and ability to meet deadlines:

“I have 15 years of experience leading teams on project-based work and how to manage competing deadlines. 

I’ve found the keys to successfully meeting deadlines while maintaining quality are identifying and communicating potential issues and roadblocks as they arise and well before they become a problem. 

Also, clearly defining roles and responsibilities amongst the team and client helps to keep everyone on the same page and working together towards a common goal. 

However, not everything goes to plan, and things do happen. I’m flexible enough and comfortable with rolling up my sleeves to prioritize getting projects over the finish line should it ever get to that point.”

Lucia Kanter St. Amour

Lucia Kanter St. Amour

Employment Attorney | VP, UN Women USA | Author, “For the Forces of Good: The Superpower of Everyday Negotiation

Show them you are discerning and learn to negotiate

What many job candidates don’t recognize is that the interview itself is a type of negotiation. You are interviewing the organization just as much as the organization is interviewing you. 

Are you feeling desperate for this job? They don’t know that. One aspect of a negotiated agreement that people want is to feel that the deal was a “hard one.” No one says that out loud (and may not consciously think it), but it’s true. 

The inevitable “Why should we hire you?” question usually pops up early in the interview so that they can get you talking. Flip the script. You can leverage this question strategically to make yourself stand out from other candidates. 

Here’s a response that a lot of people do not even consider, much less articulate:

“I don’t know yet that you should hire me or that I should accept an offer. It’s wise for both of us to make sure this is a good fit. 

Although I’ve done what research I can on my own, I need more information about [for example: workplace culture, upward mobility, management style, hybrid scheduling, benefits, continuing education opportunities, how assignments are made, the diversity of the workplace, who I’ll be working with, etc.]. 

So, I’m hoping to explore those questions and have an opportunity to speak with some other people within the organization, too.” 

Then stop. Don’t fill the silence. It’s their turn to steer the conversation— and even how they do that is more information for you to observe and think about.

The interviewer will not be expecting this answer. They expect you to try to dazzle them with how great you are. But “how great you are” can’t exist in a vacuum. 

A job involves working with other people. You can even say that if you want, with a little bit of a chuckle: 

“Look, I feel like I’m supposed to answer that by telling you how great I am, but that would be short-sighted and a little narcissistic. I don’t know yet if you should hire me…[continue with the answer above].” 

You are showing them you are discerning, and you will immediately command respect and interest. You will distinguish yourself from the other candidates at that moment.

Bonus pro tip: If you do get an offer, negotiate it. We need to normalize negotiating a compensation package (often framed as “salary negotiation.” But salary is just one aspect of compensation, especially for more women who are 4x less likely to negotiate an offer. 

When they present you with the offer, here are some steps: 

  1. Say, “thank you!” Show your appreciation and excitement that they chose you.
  2. Ask, “Can you walk me through how you calculated/came up with your offer?” Understand the factors, standards, and metrics that went into it. That will help you prepare a counteroffer.
  3. Ask, “When do you need an answer?” Don’t respond immediately. Tell them again how pleased you are about the offer and that you will thoughtfully consider it, and then set a time right then and there for your follow-up. 

Then, use that time to jump for joy and call your BFF (obviously!) and for additional research to prepare your counteroffer (using their metrics and maybe something you think they left out). 

Again, this is normal and expected! And then, it will be your turn to be ready to answer the question, “How did you come up with that counteroffer?” So be prepared to justify it. 

Super Julie Braun

Super Julie Braun

Founder & CEO, Super Purposes™

Talk about your experience, progression, and how perfect you are for the job

Remember, this is a conversation, not an interrogation. We suggest three easy steps to answer the “Why should we hire you?

  1. Talk about your previous experience. Keep it appropriate for the job you are interviewing for, focusing on the skills you read in the job description. 
  2. Then talk about today in a few sentences. You show your progression and why you are where you are.
  3. Finish strong with the future and how you would be perfect for the job at this stage, placing you in the position. You can also add a little personal flair so that the interviewer sees you professionally and personally as a dynamic candidate.

Tip: Interviewers want to hire a potential colleague. The idea is to make an impact on your interviewer immediately. Your job at the interview is to get them thinking about you as a new colleague as soon as possible to land the job offer. 

  • Example of step 1: If you are interviewing for a sales position, use your experience as a DoorDash delivery person.

“In the past, I was a 5-star DoorDasher. I made $60,000 in yearly revenue, which included tips.”

  • Example of step 2: 

“Because I did so well as a DoorDasher, the corporate office promoted me to work with the UX (User Experience) Team. I took my best practices, which turned into training materials and blogs, and helped the DevOps team improve their processes.

I still deliver food, but now I meet with the group each week and share how my experience can help improve the whole company.” 

  • Example of step 3: 

“Now, I’m here hoping to apply my skills, knowledge, and experience to help your company sell more products and services as the Senior Marketing & Sales Specialist. I’m also a forever dad to my dog Jack who has one eye and like to play the guitar on the weekends.”

Darren Shafae

Darren Shafae

Founder, ResumeBlaze

Provide specific examples of how you went above and beyond in your current or past roles

Before you answer this question, it is essential to research the organization and position you are applying for. This will help you tailor your response to demonstrate how your qualifications, experience, and skills align with the open role.

Provide a few concrete examples that show why you are the ideal candidate for this job. Focus on what makes you unique and stand out from other applicants.

You can also highlight some of your accomplishments that showcase why you are the best fit for this position. If you have experience in the same field or industry as the organization, explain how that experience has prepared you for this role. Or you can discuss your future goals and ambitions and how they tie into the company’s mission.

Surface-level responses like “I am a hard worker” and “I am very motivated” don’t typically land. Instead, provide specific examples of how you went above and beyond in your current or past roles that demonstrate these qualities. 

Try: “In my previous role, I was able to increase customer satisfaction by 8% within the first quarter and received recognition from senior leadership for it.” 

Results-oriented statements like this paint a clearer picture of your capabilities and help the interviewer understand why you should be hired.

Above all, give yourself credit. The interviewer wants to know why you think you are the best candidate and why they should choose you over other applicants. 

Showing confidence in your abilities is an important part of selling yourself as the right fit for the job — as long as it is backed up by tangible evidence of your previous experience and success.

Related: How to Sell Yourself in an Interview

Brian Fenerty

Brian Fenerty

People Operations and Talent Acquisition | Career Coach, Life’s Work Coach

Respond with: “You should not hire me unless…”

I like to answer this in a way that will be remembered and shows that I am as interested in making a good choice as the employer. As I am a very values-focused leader who leans on my strengths, I may answer with:

“You should not hire me unless you think my values align with your company values and culture and you think there is room for me to build on my strengths and success in this role to grow here as a leader and as a person.”

The format is simple, follow “You should not hire me unless…” with what is most important to you and the employer. 

In this way, you will absolutely stand out from the crowd, and you are letting them know you are thinking about the next role you take and evaluating them as well.  

The question is meant to put you on your back foot and in a position where you seek the interviewer’s approval—you are too smart for that!

Zoë Morris

Zoë Morris

President, Frank Recruitment Group

There are probably two reliable ways to handle this question:

Talk about your skillset confidently

If you know you’ve got the skills for the role, speak to that confidently. Show that you’ve understood what the position entails and a clear sense of how you would apply yourself to it. 

Communicating to the recruiter that you can visualize yourself in the role will help them feel confident in you as a leading candidate. Don’t hesitate to draw on your own relevant experience here as well.

Talk about your willingness to learn

If the position you’re applying for is entirely new to you, or you don’t have the exact skills or experience listed in the job description, talk about your preparedness to learn and grow as you progress. 

Express that it’s a role you want to take on and that you’d be excited to meet the challenge. Genuine emotion can have a great impact when it comes to interviews.

Nick Singh

Nick Singh

CEO, DataLemur | Author, “Ace the Data Science Interview

Connect the past to the future

A great answer to “why should we hire you” is all about connecting your past to your future. You want the hiring manager to think you were born for the job. 

To demonstrate this, you should logically show how your past employment, education, and skills have led toward one singular future: working for this company in this role. 

By showing that your future will be working a job just like the one you’re interviewing for, the hiring manager perceives a sense of inevitability, that it’s clearly logical for you to work here, and that your entire body of work was leading to this moment. 

Sprinkle in job keywords when talking about your past

A tactical way to create this sense of inevitability is to see the keywords from the job description. Sprinkle those phrases and keywords into stories about your past. 

For example, if a Data Analyst job mentioned they need expertise with Excel and SQL and they were looking for someone with past healthcare experience, you’d make sure to mention: 

  • How in your past work you used Excel
  • How in the past have you had healthcare domain experience
  • How in the past you already learned SQL

This will make the hiring manager understand it’s only logical that in the future, you’ll work with Excel + SQL in the healthcare domain, a.k.a the exact job at hand! 

Sylwia Śmietanko

Sylwia Śmietanko

HR Specialist and Recruiter, Passport-Photo Online

Use precise numbers and statistics 

Mentioning specific data in your answer can be very powerful in demonstrating your skills and achievements. Using precise numbers and statistics can help to give the employer a clear idea of the impact you have had in your previous roles and how you can bring similar results to their company.

When mentioning data in your answer, it’s essential to be as specific as possible. Instead of saying, “I increased sales,” say, “I increased sales by 15%.” This gives the employer a clear understanding of the magnitude of your achievement.

In addition to using specific numbers, you can also mention other types of data, such as:

  • Timeframes: “I was able to increase sales by 15% in just six months.”
  • Dollar amounts:  “I was able to generate $500,000 in new business within the first year.”
  • Percentages: “I was able to reduce customer complaints by 50%.”
  • Other metrics: “I was able to increase website traffic by 30% in just three months.”

It’s also important to note that when mentioning data, it’s essential to ensure it is accurate and verifiable. If the data is uncertain or cannot be confirmed, it’s best not to mention it.


“I am a quick learner and a creative problem-solver, and I have a proven track record of delivering results. In my previous role, I was responsible for developing new business opportunities, and I was able to increase revenue by 20% in just one year. 

I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong fit for this position and that I can bring similar results to your company.”

Andrew Lokenauth

Andrew Lokenauth

Founder, Fluent in Finance

Share your relevant accomplishments and how they can benefit the company

Highlighting specific examples of your achievements and how they can contribute to the company’s success can help to demonstrate your value as a candidate. 

For example:

“I have a proven track record of success in project management, having completed several large-scale projects on time and under budget. I am confident that my experience in project management can benefit your company in terms of cost savings, increased efficiency, and improved project outcomes.”

Emphasize your potential value to the company

Explain how you can bring value to the company and how your skills and experience will help it achieve its goals. 

For example:

“I am confident that my skills and experience in business development can help your company achieve its goals. My experience identifying and closing new business opportunities will be an asset to your sales team and drive your company’s growth.”

Highlight your unique qualifications

What sets you apart from other candidates? This could be a specific skill, a unique accomplishment, or an industry award. 

For example: 

“I am particularly excited about the opportunity to work with your company because of my experience in developing innovative mobile apps. 

I led the development of a mobile app that received over 1 million downloads and the best app of the year award from my previous company. I am confident that my skills and experience will bring value to your company’s mobile app development team.”

Tailor your answer to the specific company and position

Research the company and the job description, and highlight how your skills and experience align with their needs. 

For example: 

“I am excited about the opportunity to work with your company because my experience in digital marketing and data analysis aligns perfectly with the responsibilities outlined in the job description. 

I am confident that my skills and experience can contribute to the growth and success of your marketing team.”

Show enthusiasm and passion for the job and company

Express your excitement and enthusiasm for the opportunity to work with the company, and demonstrate your understanding of the company’s mission and values. 

Related: Why Is Passion Important for Success in Life?

For example:

“I have been following your company for years, and I am impressed by your commitment to sustainability and innovation. I am excited about working with a company that shares my values and passion for making a positive impact in the world.”

Share your passion for the field and how it motivates you

Expressing your passion for the field can help to demonstrate your commitment and enthusiasm for the role and the company. 

For example: 

“I am passionate about the field of human resources, and I am excited about the opportunity to work with your company as an HR professional. 

I am motivated to help your company create a positive and productive work environment for employees, and I am confident that my passion for the field can benefit your company in terms of employee satisfaction and retention.”

Show your willingness to learn and grow

Demonstrating your willingness to learn and grow can help show that you are a proactive and adaptable candidate committed to personal and professional development. 

For example:

“I am excited about the opportunity to work with your company as a marketing intern. I am a fast learner and eager to learn new skills and take on new challenges. 

I am confident that my willingness to learn and grow can benefit your company in terms of my potential for professional development and my ability to adapt to changing industry trends.”

AJ Silberman-Moffitt

AJ Silberman-Moffitt

Senior Editor, Tandem

You’re looking for a new job. You’ve posted your resume on various sites and updated your LinkedIn profile. You’ve had some companies reach out to you, and then, suddenly, it happens. You get invited to an interview. But interviewing for a new job can be scary. 

First, you need to dress appropriately and make a good first impression. Then you start to worry that you won’t know what you will say. You even think about the questions they might ask when you are there. 

One question looms over you like a black cloud because you know it will be asked. You wonder how you should answer, “Why should we hire you?

Explain your experience

If you already have experience in the field, this can be a significant benefit to a company. The more you already know, the less they will need to train you. 

But even if your experience isn’t exact, you should still mention it. Try to highlight how you can use your experience in this new position.

Tell them why you would be a good employee

When possible, employers don’t want to hire people who just “phone it in.” They want people who are passionate about their careers and want to help improve the company; what better way to illustrate to them that you are this person than by telling them why you would make a good employee?

Related: What Are You Passionate About?

Discuss similarities in past positions

Though the job you are after now might be something you haven’t done before, that doesn’t mean that it’s something you can’t do. 

If you can find ways in which the job requirements align with other positions you have held, you’ll instill some faith in the interviewer that you can accomplish whatever you set out to do.

Tell them the truth about yourself and what you are looking for

Above all else, honesty really is the best policy, and this is especially true in interviews. Don’t say that you have experience doing something if you don’t, and don’t say that you want to do something that you know will make you unhappy. 

Instead, tell them the truth about yourself and what you are looking for. Ultimately, if you lie in an interview, any lies might be uncovered after you are hired.

Though there are many ways you can answer, there are also ways that should be avoided, including:

  • Telling them your life story
  • Not giving enough details and making them assume things
  • Only telling them the basics or failing to explain what makes you unique

Going on an interview can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. If you prepare yourself with answers to common interview questions like this one, you’ll be ahead of the curve. And when you are ahead of the curve, you might get where you are going faster than you thought you could.

Joshua Rich

Joshua Rich

CEO and Founder, Bullseye Locations

The question “why should we hire you?” is quite direct in its nature and is more often not foreseen as it should be. Here’s a gist of what the candidates I tend to want to employ say in response to this. 

Elaborate on your latest professional role

In my opinion, one’s first response should always be to keep in mind their current circumstances—nothing from too far down memory lane and nothing aspirational that has not yet materialized. All of that comes a little later. 

Before that, elaborate on your latest professional role. And make it a point to prominently convey how you believe your previous experience and skills can be translated into the position you have applied for. 

Let them have a sneak peek into your professional and even personal past

Try to tie this information up with the values you have espoused since the recent past and how you see them carrying you and the company into the future. This is where you let them have a sneak peek into your professional and even personal past. 

Related: What Are Core Values and How Do They Control My Life?

What informs the person you are today? And why does that make you the right person for the role you are considering? 

For example, if you are considering applying to a Psychologist’s position, you could say you have been through challenging times in your life or sought professional help yourself. 

This portrays the notion that you have played your part in ridding the world of mental health from the stigma that it has to contend with. This suggests that you will be a non-judgemental and effective therapist yourself. 

Comment on how your personal values can contribute to the company

You do not want to miss out on the short and long-term future with respect to the company and yourself. Do your due diligence and see what values the company embodies and its broad mission. Then, comment on how your personal values can contribute to realizing those goals. 

Related: How to Answer “What Are Your Values?” in an Interview

Focus on how your skills fit the job, not how much better you than other applicants

While the question may appear generic, it somehow remains an absolute favorite among recruiters because your answer indicates much about your personality and skills. Always have a few responses prepared in case the question arises. 

Sell yourself without coming across as arrogant or timid. Hiring managers, in my experience, select candidates they like and trust. So try to maintain a personable and likable demeanor throughout the interview. 

However, it is difficult to market yourself without meaning to sound arrogant or cocky. The best strategy I have discovered for this instance is to focus on showcasing how your skills can fit the job, not how much better you are than other applicants. 

Even the best hiring manager may mirror your attitude if you arrive either too nervous or too confident, triggering a negative feedback loop. 

So instead, try to focus on the interviewers and use this as an opportunity to show that you can be trusted and then share your skills with them. Demonstrate to the recruiter that you possess what it takes to succeed in the role and that you will fit in well with the company culture.

Sean Stevens

Sean Stevens

Director, Immerse Education

Provide as much detail as you can

So, you want to have a conversation about leadership. Be more specific than “Yes, I led people in my previous position” or “If I am hired, I will not pose a leadership challenge.” 

Instead, provide more specifics to help the reader visualize the scene. Include details such as: 

  • The number of individuals you were responsible for
  • The kind of advice you gave
  • Your tenure as a leader
  • The lessons you’ve learned along the way

Also, demonstrate your enthusiasm for leadership and your desire to assume such responsibilities. 

So, one might say:

“Certainly, I have been in a leadership role for three years. I had two reports at first, and then I added three more to bring the total to five. I was in charge of their performance assessments, training, and more. 

HR is a fascinating field, and I hope to work in it again in the future. One of the main draws for me in this position was the possibility of contributing to the development of a team in the manager position.”

I consider this to be one of the most valuable pieces of advice I’ve ever received on the job interview process. In your narrative, it will be easier to show that you are right for the job if you can give specific examples.

Lori Taylor

Lori Taylor

Founder and CEO, The Produce Moms

Always be truthful

This advice applies to all interview questions, including “Tell us more about yourself,” “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” and any other questions the interviewer may ask. 

Related: How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” in an Interview

You don’t want to pitch yourself as someone you aren’t. You might land the job if you lie about your experience, credentials, or skills, but the experience will be unpleasant for both you and the employer.

Convey your commitment and passion

It is essential to achieve a successful career in the workplace. According to the US Department of Labor, employers search for individuals who exhibit excitement in addition to abilities, experience, and training. 

Therefore, be sure to demonstrate commitment and excitement for the organization or the position when responding to this interview question.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What if I’m nervous about the interview?

It’s perfectly normal to be nervous in an interview, especially when faced with a tough question like “Why should we hire you?” Here are some tips to help you stay calm and focused:

– Practice your answer in advance and be prepared to tailor it to the job and company at hand.
– Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you have prepared for this question.
– Make eye contact with the interviewer and try to convey confidence with your body language.
– Don’t be afraid to pause and collect your thoughts before answering – it’s better to take a moment to collect yourself than to rush your answer.

Remember that a job interview is a two-way conversation. It’s important to be yourself and ask questions showing interest in the company and the job.

How can I use body language and tone of voice to improve my response?

Nonverbal cues can help convey confidence and enthusiasm:
– Maintain eye contact with your interviewer
– Use hand gestures to emphasize important points
– Sit up straight and adopt an open posture

Control your tone of voice:
– Speak clearly and at a moderate pace
– Use a friendly and enthusiastic tone to convey your passion for the role
– Avoid sounding monotone or overly rehearsed

What if I don’t get the job?

If you don’t get the job, don’t take it personally. There are many reasons why an applicant isn’t selected, and it’s not always because of your skills or experience.

Take the opportunity to reflect on the interview and consider what you could have done differently or done better. Use the feedback (if it was given) to prepare for future interviews.

Remember that every interview is a learning experience and that each interview brings you one step closer to the perfect job. Keep a positive attitude and keep working on your skills and experience, and you’ll soon find the right job.

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