How to Respond to an Interview Request (With 10+ Examples)

How to Respond to an Interview Request (With 10+ Examples)

If a potential employer has ever contacted you for an interview, you know how exciting it can be. While it’s always flattering to be considered for a position, it can be tough to know how to respond.

It’s hard to know what to expect, and you want to make sure that you put your best foot forward.

According to experts, here are the best ways to respond to an interview request:

Chris Delaney

Chris Delaney

Interview Coach and Career Advisor, Employment King | Author, What Is Your Interview Identity

Schedule the best interview date and time — second or third interview slot being ideal

Technology is automating the recruitment process. Previously all recruitment processes, from the job adverts design to the communication with applicants, were completed by human resource professionals.

Prior to online recruitment, the average number of applicants per vacancy was around 30, and this was due to the duration a handwritten application form took.

Once recruitment platforms took off, making job searching and application a relatively easy process, the average number of applicants per vacancy increased to around 250 candidates per job vacancy.

In more recent times, global organizations and well-known brands — Google, Amazon, and Microsoft, have received in excess of 25000 applicants per single vacancy.

Application Tracking Systems

This extremely high number of candidates makes it impossible for humans to read each application, let alone make hiring decisions. To overcome the excessive recruitment barrier, technology became the savor with the introduction of ATS — Application Tracking Systems.

An ATS is an AI bot that can scan vast amounts of applications, cross-referencing each candidate’s experiences against the required job criteria before selecting successful candidates for a job interview.

The ATS algorithms have advanced since their early introduction, and now ATS systems can complete the whole recruitment pipeline from the design of job adverts to an interview offer date, all via an interview database system.

Some ATS systems have an AI bot shifting interview before applicants are invited to a human interview.

The ATS system sends all communications with the successful applicants who have been invited to interview. Often, successful job applicants will receive an automated interview offer allowing each applicant to pick an interview date/time within a set period of time.

Related: The Best Time to Schedule a Job Interview

Prior to this, the old practice was for HR staff to only allocate one-time slot per interviewee, with little flexibility.

Unlike a job interview offer sent by humans via email, the automated process doesn’t allow an applicant to create a ‘fancy’ reply to help create the halo effect — a positive impression before the interviewer and candidate meet.

Instead, the ATS system offers a selection of dates and times that a candidate can choose to be interviewed on. The idea behind offering a selection of dates and times is to ensure a first-choice applicant, who can’t make a particular date/time, will still attend the interview.

In the job interview, the job offer often goes to the candidate with the strongest interview identity — the person that the interview panel predicts will be the best performing employee based on their interview performance.

The perception of each applicant is influenced at a subconscious level by a number of factors:

  • unconscious bias,
  • stereotypes, and
  • the employer’s emotional state (excited, tired, bored).

The hiring manager’s emotions change throughout a day of interviewing. In the morning, they are more excited. After dinner, tired due to food consumption, in the afternoon, after a hard day, many recruiters become bored after hearing similar examples given to the same interview questions.

Being excited or tired affects the communication process — how the communication is interpreted by the hiring manager. An excited interviewer will listen more intently and ask follow-up questions, whereas a tired interviewer will close off and miss key information that affects the scoring criteria.

The employer’s impression of a candidate, influenced by their emotional state, which is influenced based on the time of day, makes the choosing of a suitable interview timeslot of virtual importance.

Being the initial candidate to be interviewed is a negative choice, as the first candidate is used as a baseline for all proceeding applicants.

The interview timeslot post-lunch break can have a negative effect on the interview outcome as the interviewer may be tired due to the body processing the food.

And, having the final interview slot can be bad as the interview panel wants the day to end due to the long day of interviewing.

That makes the second or third interview slot being ideal. In this timeslot, the interview panel has got into a routine of asking questions, understanding the scoring criteria, and still feeling excited about taking on a new staff member.

Alice Li

Alice Li

CEO, First Day

Nothing beats receiving an interview invitation, but don’t answer right away. To land the interview, you must ensure that you respond appropriately and with unambiguous availability.

Some tips and advice to respond to an interview request from an employer in just the right way are:

Be clear about your availability

The ideal method to respond to an interview request is to thank the employer, express your willingness to participate in the interview, and then provide your precise availability. Then, towards the end of the email, express that you really would like to talk with them.

Also, if you’re responding to a phone interview request, include your accurate phone number so they can contact you.

Related: 25 Great Phone Interview Tips

If they asked you for a video interview rather than a phone interview, inquire which video platform they intend to use. That way, you can acquaint yourself and prepare.

If you’re using Skype, you can give your ID. If it’s a Zoom interview, they’ll schedule a meeting and send you a link.

Related: Who Calls Who for a Phone or Skype Interview

Provide a specific timeslot

It’s worth noting that if you’re looking for work while unemployed and are accessible at almost any time, it may appear more professional to mention a handful of particular timeslots.

When replying to an interview request, I’m not saying that you make things too difficult. When you respond to an interview invitation, you want to make it as simple as possible for the company to schedule your interview.

I’m only pointing out that saying, “I’m free all week, simply choose a time.” might not be the best look.

To avoid unnecessary back and forth, it’s pragmatic to include that you are open to adjusting your schedule if the time slots suggested by you don’t suit the interviewer.

This is how a professional accepts an interview.

Email example # 1:

Good day, XYZ!

Thank you for responding so quickly. I’d like to do a phone interview to learn more about the position and the qualifications you want.

This week, I am available at the following time:

Tuesday through Wednesday, am – pm ET
Thursday – Friday, a.m. – p.m. ET
The easiest way to contact me is to call: 000-000-000

Please let me know if neither of these times works for you, and I’ll be willing to come up with some alternative choices. I really look forward to chatting with you.

Also, if you could tell me who will be calling, that would be really helpful. I really like to do my research and plan ahead of time.

Warm regards,
[Insert your name and signature here]

Example # 2:

If you have a scheduling conflict with the interviewer, you can respond something along the lines of:

“Dear XZY,

Thank you for the chance to interview with [business name].

I’m really excited to meet with you, but I’m unable to do so on the date you asked due to a scheduling problem. If any of the following days and times work for you, please let me know: [Insert a list of possible dates and times.]

Thank you again for your attention, and please accept my apologies for any trouble this has caused you.

Warm regards,
[Your name here]”

Don’t overthink your response. When replying to an interview invitation, it’s crucial to stay professional and follow correct protocol, but it’s also important to relax and be yourself.

If you succeed at that, you may use the same strategy to think through interview questions and other aspects of the recruiting process.

Maria A. McDowell

Maria McDowell

Founder, EasySearchPeople

When a recruiter reaches out to you with an interview request, how you respond makes an impression about you. How you respond to an interview request can make or mare your chances of getting hired.

To create a positive impression about yourself when responding to an interview request, you need to pay attention to the tips below.

Ensure a timely reply

The best time to respond to an interview request is within 24 – 48 hours. You have to bear in mind that recruiters don’t have the luxury of time to waste, and a timely response portrays you as a serious candidate.

If you take days or weeks to craft a reply to an interview request, not only does it show that you are unserious, it limits your chances of getting hired.

Be formal and direct

You need to be formal and concise in your reply. Recruiters go through many emails daily and don’t need to spend much time reading a lengthy piece from you.

Start by showing gratitude for being considered for an interview, Acknowledge your availability for the interview, provide any requested information or document, and close with an appreciation.

A formal and concise response portrays your professionalism which is a bonus to your chances of getting hired.

Ensure to format your response properly

A properly formatted response speaks well of your organization skills. Your response should follow this structure:

  • Salutation
    • {Hi (recruiters first name) or Dear (recruiters first name)}
  • Body
    • (Show gratitude for being considered for an interview, acknowledge your availability, and provide any additional requested information)
  • Closing
    • (Appreciate the recruiter for their time and consideration)
  • Signature
    • (Your name and contact information)

Attach relevant documents

This part is very important. A recruiter will often request your CV and other relevant documents in the interview request. Ensure to upload all the requested documents in a downloadable PDF format.

Do not copy and paste your CV to the body of the email or send any format that is not downloadable.

Example 1: Response accepting an interview request

“Hi Maria,

Thank you for reaching out to me. I’d be happy to interview for the role of digital marketer with your organization. I am available this week from Monday to Wednesday, from 12 noon – 4 pm. Does this time work for you?

I have attached a copy of my resume to this email as requested. Kindly let me know if there is any other information I can provide before our meeting.

Thank you once again for your consideration. I look forward to having a productive interview session with you.


Mike Mellow
[contact number]
[email address]

Example 2: Response requesting a reschedule

“Hi Maria,

Thank you very much for considering me to interview for the position of admin officer with your organization.

I am interested in your interview request; however, I have a timing conflict with the date and time you requested. I have a doctor’s appointment on the requested day and may not be available. But I will be available between 11 am – 5 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Kindly let me know if the dates and times work for you.

Thank you again for your consideration, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

Kind regards,

Merilyn Moore
[contact number]
[email address]

Jessica Robinson

Jessica Robinson

Content and Marketing Manager, crowjack

Dwelling in times of enormous uncertainty and competition, all of us very well understand how difficult it is becoming to get a job.

Related: How to Get an Entry Level Job with No Qualifications or Experience

Every recruiter has thousands of candidates in the pipeline at any point in time, and this is where we need to be at our best to make a mark.

Having said that, when you get an interview request, you need to be absolutely professional in responding to it. After all, an inefficient or delayed response to an interview request can cost you a great opportunity.

Given below are some actionable strategies for responding to an interview request:

Re-assess the job description

Before you reply to the interview request, re-examine the job details and descriptions before you decide on your response. While responding to the interview request, you should make sure that you understand the job specifications well.

Related: Why Are Job Descriptions Important in the Recruiting Process?

Also, if you are looking to respond positively and send a confirmation for the interview, you should ensure that the job details are well known to you and are in the best interest of what you expect from the job.

From your end, at least, there should be no disparity in terms of understanding every detail with utmost clarity. This is where you will need attention to detail.

Frame a formal response

Irrespective of whether you are going to accept the interview request or deny it, the response has to be professional and formal. You need to start with warm greetings and then use generous and formal words to explain your position.

You need to express yourself in a formal tone with humility.

For example, let’s say you cannot confirm immediately whether you will be available for the proposed interview schedule. Your response should be somewhat similar to the example below.

“Dear Sir/Ma’am,


I feel humbled by the interview request, and I would like to extend sincere gratitude for the same. It is indeed an honor for me to receive an interview request from your esteemed organization.

However, in all humility, I would like to inform you that I cannot commit to the interview schedule immediately because of some unavoidable engagements.

It will be very kind of you to give me two to three days to confirm my availability for the interview. I hope you will understand my genuine inability to make a false commitment and then seek a deferral later.

Thank you.”

Related: 15+ Best Email Templates to Reschedule a Job Interview

Offer flexibility to the recruiters

Flexibility is surely the new normal in this revamped corporate world, isn’t it? You should offer flexibility to recruiters when they send you an interview request.

Rather than making things rigid for them by telling them that you are only available at a particular time or date, you should look to offer them a flexible time frame.

You should show the willingness to cooperate and offer them the discretion to fix a time. In this way, you can create a great impression on them and give them a reflection of your cooperative skills and diligence.

For instance: “Dear sir, I am happy to inform you that I am more than willing to be available for an interview at a time that is convenient for you. I can attend the interview anytime after 3 PM.”

Respond in a timely manner

Sometimes, we tend to procrastinate a lot, but in the professional world, procrastination can hurt you. In the corporate world, time is literally a currency, and your response time will be looked at as a measure of your sincerity.

Having said that, you should not delay your response unnecessarily.

Related: How to Avoid Procrastination and Laziness

Ask if there are any doubts

It is always a great idea to clarify doubts. If there are any doubts or if you seek any clarifications from the recruiters’ side, you can add your questions towards the end of your response.

Related: 30+ Great Questions to Ask Recruiters Before an Interview

Here also, you need to make a humble request to them to cater to your queries and offer clarity on the same before you can give your final confirmation.

Proofread your message

Before you finally hit that send button, proofread your mail for grammar errors or any other edits that you may find necessary. When we write in a flow, we tend to make mistakes. This is why proofreading is a great idea.

Also, with proofreading, you can enhance your message in terms of the choice of words or tone.

When you respond to an interview request, you should definitely make sure that the response is flawless. Hence, you should do the essential proofreading before sending the mail.

Brittany Becker

Brittany Becker

Talent Acquisition Specialist, Precision Painting Plus

First impressions are an important part of forming an opinion, and this rings true even before the interview itself.

Whether you are interviewing with a recruiter, an HR professional, or Hiring Manager, I’ve put together some helpful tips to help you respond to an interview request.

Thank the prospective interviewer for consideration

If you are interested in the position, be sure to thank the prospective interviewer for consideration.

If it’s a position you are not interested in, share your feedback on why.

Related: How to Politely Decline a Job Interview (15 Great Tips and Sample Letters)

Perhaps the position they mentioned doesn’t match what you’re looking for, or you are simply not in the market at this time. Circumstances change, and new opportunities may arise. It cost nothing to be kind.

Respond timely

We recommend responding to interview requests within 24 hours. Even if it’s simply acknowledging that you received their request and are looking into your availability, this shows the other party that you are interested and engaged.

Take your time and look through your response

Regardless of the role you are applying for, it is important to be professional in your communications. Avoid using slang, acronyms, or typos when responding.

Take your time and look through your response. Make sure you have names spelled correctly and proper grammar before sending it to the interviewer.

Minimize the back and forth

Respond with a few options for availability to ensure that you can find a time that works for both yourself and your prospective employer.

Give yourself the best chance at finding a mutually agreeable time by providing multiple days and times of availability versus one specific day or hour.

Here is an example:

“Hi Recruiter,

Thank you for considering me for the X position at XYZ Company. I have availability for an initial interview Monday from 9 am-12 pm EST, Tuesday from 3-5 pm EST, and Wednesday between 9-11 am EST or between 3-5 pm EST. Please let me know if either of these times works for you.

Thank you again for the consideration, and I am looking forward to speaking with you.

[Full Name]

Agata Szczepanek

Agata Szczepanek

Community Manager, MyPerfectResume

Take your time and go line by line

The first impression is made only once. Don’t let such little things as spelling mistakes stand in your way. Proofread. Take your time and go line by line, just like a detective with a magnifying glass.

Correct typos, check grammar, and make sure you use one font in the whole text. It all may be more important than you think.

A flawless response gives the recruiter an indirect message that you are careful, detailed-oriented, and neat.

Show genuine excitement and gratitude

Express how thankful and excited you feel about the given chance. Don’t go too far, though. To sound professional, keep the highly emotional notes like “It’s the best day of my life,” “I feel thrilled, “or “I couldn’t sleep waiting for this interview request” for your nearest and dearest.

Ask relevant questions

Relevant follow-up questions can work for your own good. They can show that you think ahead, prepare in advance, and possess organizational skills. Yet, take the balanced approach and do not ask too many of them.

Related: 50+ Good Questions to Ask Recruiters

You can, for example, ask if the recruiter wants you to prepare anything for the interview or deliver any specific documents before.

Reply to the request even if you decline the offer

Last but not least. Act respectfully and reply to the interview request even if you decide to decline the offer. Show that you do appreciate the recruiter’s time to reach out.

No matter how digitalized our times can seem, there is always a real person on the other side of the screen. And we should keep it in mind.

Example #1:

“Dear [name],

Thank you for considering my application. It is great news. I feel happy and excited about the upcoming interview.

I confirm my availability on the [given date and time]. Is there anything you need from me before the interview? I can deliver any document you may need.

Thank you for reaching out once again. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,
[your full name].”

Example #2:

“Hi [name],

Thank you for your interest in my application. I appreciate the interview request. Yet, I need to decline it as I have just accepted another job offer.

Once again — thank you for taking the time to reach out. I wish you and the company the best of luck with finding the right candidate.

Kind regards,
[your full name].”

David Gu

David Gu

CEO, Inyouths LED Mirrors

After an exhaustive job search, receiving an interview invite can feel like a huge relief, but the hiring process has only begun.

Everything you do in the future affects the recruiting manager’s perception of you, which can make or break your prospects of receiving a job offer. This includes how you reply to a request for an interview.

Here are some essential guidelines for responding to an interview email:

Respond promptly

Responding quickly to an interview invitation is one of the most effective methods to impress a potential employer. You should ideally compose a response on the same day. Alternatively, between 24 and 48 hours will suffice.

In general, the quicker you respond, the better.

Keep in mind that hiring managers and recruiters frequently give interview invitations to many candidates. Being among the first to respond can distinguish you from the crowd. It demonstrates that you are proactive and eager to get things moving.

Keep it brief

Make every attempt to be concise. Don’t beat about the bush or waste time extolling the chance. It is one thing to express gratitude, but it is quite another to spend time with excessive thanks.

You should avoid sending a lengthy email when responding to an interview request. The hiring manager who emailed you has probably heard similar emails from other applicants.

Depending on the size of the organization, they may spend weeks conducting interviews. There are several follow-up emails to read. The majority of hiring managers seek important information.

Do you accept the interview, and if so, what times are convenient? If anything is overly lengthy, the reader will brush over the essential elements.

Example response:

[Name of job or organization] Position
Hi [Recruiter’s name],

I appreciate your reaching out to me. I would be pleased to interview for [job] and am available during [available days and times] this week. Are any of these times convenient for you?

I have enclosed a copy of my resume per your request for review. Please let me know if I can provide any other information before our appointment.

I gladly forward to chatting with you and discussing the role in significant detail. Again, I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

[Your name]

Oberon Copeland

Oberon Copeland

CEO and Owner, Very Informed

Express your excitement for the opportunity in your response

It can be both exciting and nerve-wracking to receive an interview request. After all, this is your opportunity to show a potential employer why you’re the best candidate for the job.

However, it’s important to remember that the interview process starts as soon as you receive that request.

Here are a few tips on how to respond to an interview request in a way that will make a positive impression.

First, it’s important to respond promptly. Most employers expect to hear back within 24 hours, so if you can reply sooner than that, it will show that you’re eager and organized.

Second, express your excitement for the opportunity in your response. This will help put the employer at ease and show them that you’re truly interested in the position.

Finally, be sure to ask any questions you have about the interview process. This shows that you’re prepared and willing to take the next step.

Below is an example of how to respond to an interview request:

“Thank you for reaching out and requesting an interview. I am excited to speak with you about the role and learn more about the company. In preparation for our conversation, I have reviewed your website and familiarized myself with your product line.

I am confident that I have the skills and experience needed to be a successful member of your team.

During our interview, I would like to discuss my prior experience in customer service and how I plan to use those skills in this role. I would also like to ask questions about the expectations for this position and what sort of training and support you offer new hires.

Finally, I would like to get a better understanding of your company culture and what makes your team successful.

Thank you again for giving me this opportunity, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.”

AJ Silberman-Moffitt

AJ Silberman-Moffitt

Senior Editor, Tandem

As a business professional with 25+ years of experience, I have endured my share of job hunting and being in leadership positions where I was responsible for assisting with hiring.

This means that I have had ample opportunities to respond to interview requests and see how others replied. Not surprisingly, there isn’t one right or wrong way to reply to an interview request. Each situation is different and may require a different response.

Here are a few pieces of information to include when you respond to an interview request.

Start with a thank you

Whether you are ready to move forward with an interview or not, politeness will go a long way in leaving a positive impression.

One of the first items in your response should be similar to “Thank you for reaching out to me.” This will let the potential employer know that you are polite and professional.

Ask questions that are important to you

If the interview request is for a job that did not post a salary range, and this information is important to you, now would be an appropriate time to ask. You wouldn’t want to go to an interview expecting a 6-figure salary to find out that the position pays less than half of that.

Getting questions out of the way that are important to you in your job search can help ensure that neither of you is wasting each other’s time.

Answer the interviewer’s questions

The interviewer might ask you some questions that the prospective company might want to know. It’s important that if they ask you questions, you answer them, or at least refer to them in your reply. You might not have the answers right away, and that’s okay.

As long as you address the questions that you were asked, they will know that you have attention to detail — and this can be integral in many industries.

Give them your availability

Even if they don’t ask you directly in their request, it’s likely that they will want to know when you will be available to interview. Provide them with two or three times that you are available to interview.

If your schedule is open or flexible, you can reply with something such as “I am available after 4:00 pm EST every day.” With many jobs being remote, it’s crucial that you include the time zone you are in when you reply.

What if you are no longer interested in the position they have reached out to you about? Make sure to reply to them professionally. You can say something such as, “Thank you for the opportunity. I am no longer looking at this time, but I wish you well in finding someone for this position.”

Even though you might not want this job, you never know if you might be interested in it sometime in the future.

Related: How to Turn Down a Job Offer but Keep the Door Open (+Samples)

Also, there could be a different position open at the same company. You’ll want to make sure that by not accepting an interview now, you aren’t turning off the possibility of another interview later.

Your professional response will ensure that they remember you for good reasons, not negative ones.

No matter how you reply to your interview request, congratulations. You might be on your way to a great new opportunity.

Karim Jaffer

Karim Jaffer

Dehumidifier Specialist and Owner, Dehumidifier Depot

It’s always exciting to receive an interview request, whether you’re applying for your first job or you’re a seasoned professional.

But it’s important to remember that an interview is a two-way street, and you should take the time to assess whether the company is a good fit for you before you commit to meeting with them.

It’s important to respond promptly and professionally.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when you receive an interview request:

Consider the role that you applied for

Consider the role that you applied for and what your objectives are in pursuing it. Is this a company that you really want to work for? Do they have a good reputation? Take the time to do your research so that you can make an informed decision.

Think about your schedule

Think about your schedule and whether you would be able to give the interview the time and attention it deserves. If you’re already stretched thin, it might not be the best idea to add another commitment to your plate.

Trust your gut

If something feels off or wrong about the situation, it’s probably best to decline the invitation. Remember, you’re in control of your career journey, and you should only pursue opportunities that are truly right for you.

The best way to respond to an interview is to send a short email confirming your availability and stating when and where you would like to meet.

For example:

“Thank you for inviting me to interview for the XYZ position. I am available to meet you tomorrow at 10 a.m. in your office.

I look forward to meeting with you and discussing the job further.
If you are unable to meet at the proposed time, make sure to suggest an alternative that works for both parties.”

This shows that you are excited about the opportunity and willing to work with the interviewer’s schedule. It is also important to be specific about when and where you will meet so that there is no confusion about the details of the meeting.

An email is the best way to respond to an interview request, but you can also respond by phone or in person if that is more convenient. Whichever method you choose, make sure to be polite and confirm your interest in meeting with the interviewer.

It is also important to be prepared for the interview itself. Before the meeting, take some time to research the company and review your qualifications. This will help you feel more confident and make a better impression on the interviewer.

In the end, remember to follow up after the interview. A thank-you note is always appreciated, and it can help you to stand out from other candidates.

With these tips in mind, you will be well on your way to making a great impression in your next job interview.

Joe Coletta

 Joe Coletta

CEO and Founder, 180 Engineering

Keep your response quick, short, and professional

When you receive an email invitation to a job interview, you want to keep your response quick, short, and professional.

In your email response, start by showing gratitude and enthusiasm for the opportunity to be called in for an interview. It can also be a plus if you throw in a quick and genuine compliment for the company/employer.

Next, let them know your availability. Ideally, try to be available within their proposed time slots. But, if you really cannot make it, then propose a reasonable time when you are available for the interview.

Answer any questions asked in the invitation email and provide everything you have been asked. This may include your CV, cover letter, references, or portfolio.

Close the email with the same enthusiastic spirit.

For example:

Dear Donna,

It is great hearing from you. I am excited to come in and interview for the position of Social Media Manager for one of the best companies in the industry. I am available Tuesday starting 9 am to 1 pm and Wednesday from 11 am to 1 pm. Any of these days are excellent for me for a full interview.

As per your request, I have attached my CV, portfolio, and pre-assessment video. Please let me know if you need anything else.

Thank you once again for the opportunity. I look forward to chatting with the team.

Best regards,
Pamela Sienta.

Andrew Priobrazhenskyi

Andrew Priobrazhenskyi

CEO, DiscountReactor

Address essential details and questions

In addition to providing an interview invitation, I believe a hiring manager may include extra questions in their email. In your response, answer them to the best of your ability and provide as much information as they require.

As they check your application or résumé, for instance, you may be asked a few follow-up questions. They may concern your employment history or pay aspirations. Address these issues simply, but do not go into excessive detail.

Ideally, you should negotiate your compensation after obtaining a formal employment offer. The same applies to any topic that requires lengthy responses. Save those questions for the interview. It demonstrates that you are proactive and eager to get things moving.

You might use this time to confirm interview information and to ask brief follow-up questions. Confirm the interview’s time and location.

If they provide you the opportunity to select a convenient time, indicate your availability. This initial response to their interview invitation is also an appropriate moment to inquire whether you need to bring anything.

A recruiter may, for instance, request a paper copy of your résumé or a work sample. Clarify these specifics and answer any ambiguities regarding the interview procedure.

Save in-depth questions for the actual interview. It is preferable to conduct your own study and discuss larger facts in person.

Josh Pelletier

Josh Pelletier

Chief Marketing Officer, BarBend

Be courteous, vivacious, and professional

As an expert, I understand this tip may sound obvious, but we cannot emphasize enough the need to maintain a professional tone while replying to an interview invitation.

The manner in which you communicate in your email response reveals a great deal about the qualities you will bring to the table as an employee. Start your email correspondence with excitement.

This is a fantastic method to establish the tone of the email and express appreciation for the recipient’s consideration.

Try to express appreciation and attention in the first full sentence of the email. Of course, courtesy and formality are essential. You don’t need to gloat about the opportunity, but a quick “thank you” can make a significant difference.

For the remainder of the email, adhere to all professional standards. This includes using a formal tone, proper email structure, and business-focused communication.

Always use professional pleasantries and the complete name of the recruiting manager. Avoid using slang and text chat. The email should be formatted as a professional document, similar to a resume.

Do not forget to end the email with a proper greeting.

Although terms such as “sincerely” and “regards” may appear archaic, they are a universal formality. After that, include your entire name and contact details in the email’s signature.

Cody Candee

Cody Candee

CEO and Founder, Bounce

Take the time to read over your response

You can craft a great response to an interview request, but if it is littered with errors, you will be making a poor first impression, and that is why you should proofread your invitation acceptance.

Businesses want their employees to be detail-oriented as well as individuals who represent their company in the best light, and the quality of written correspondence is certainly part of those aspects.

Checking for grammatical errors, making sure your responses are in context, eliminating run-on sentences, and shortening overly wordy responses, are critically important.

Nothing will turn off an interviewer more than to see an invitation response with spelling errors or convoluted sentences that need a decoder to understand.

Taking the time to read over your response and run it through a spell check says to your interviewer that you care about how you represent yourself and how you would possibly represent their business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Should I Wear to the Job Interview?

It’s important to dress appropriately for the interview. Here are some general guidelines you should follow:

Research the company: Look at the website and social media to get a sense of the company culture and dress code. This will give you a good idea of what to wear.

Err on the side of caution: If you’re not sure what to wear, it’s always better to dress formally than less formally. It’s better to be overdressed than underdressed.

Keep it simple: Stick to neutral colors and avoid anything too flashy or distracting. You want your interviewer to focus on you and your qualifications, not your clothes.

Make sure it fits: Whatever you wear needs to fit well and be comfortable. You want to avoid fidgeting with your clothes or feeling uncomfortable during the interview.

What Should I Do if I Have Multiple Interviews Scheduled?

If you have multiple interviews scheduled, here are some tips to help you manage your time and stay organized:

Create a schedule: Make a schedule that outlines each interview’s date, time, and location. This will help you avoid scheduling conflicts or mix-ups.

Prepare for each interview separately: Consider each interview a separate opportunity and prepare accordingly. Research the company, review the job description and practice answering questions related to each position.

Allow yourself time between: Try to schedule enough between interviews to travel and prepare. This will help you avoid feeling rushed or stressed.

Keep track of your follow-up: After each interview, take notes on what was discussed and what next steps you want to take. Follow up with each interviewer separately to thank them and check in on the status of your application.

Remember that while interviews can be stressful, they’re also an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills and qualifications to potential employers.

With some preparation and organization, you can set yourself up for success and hopefully land the job of your dreams.

How Should I Handle Technical Difficulties During a Virtual Interview?

You may encounter technical difficulties during virtual job interviews, but there are a few things you can do to handle them:

Test your equipment in advance: Test your internet connection, microphone, and camera before the interview to ensure everything is working properly. If you’re using a new platform or software, do a dry run to familiarize yourself with the technology.

Have a backup plan: If your internet or power goes out, you should have a backup plan. You could use your phone as a hotspot, go to another location with a better connection, or reschedule the interview for a later time.

Stay calm: If you experience technical difficulties, stay calm and collected. Don’t panic or get flustered. Simply explain the situation to the interviewer and ask if you can try to reconnect or reschedule the call for a later time.

Follow up: If technical issues interfere with the interview, check in with your interviewer after the interview and apologize for the inconvenience. This shows that you’re professional and respectful of the interviewer’s time.

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