480 Questions to Ask a Journalist

480 Questions to Ask a Journalist

Ever wonder what it’s like to chase a big story or be on the front lines of breaking news?

Whether you’re curious about how they get the scoop, deal with tight deadlines, or handle tricky ethical questions, asking a journalist directly can give you the inside story.

So, grab your notepad—here’s your chance to get answers straight from the source!

Table of Contents

  • To Ask a Journalist Mentor
  • To Ask a Journalist Speaker
  • To Ask a Sports Journalist
  • To Ask a Broadcast Journalist
  • About Their Job
  • About Their Most Memorable Stories
  • About Fake News and Misinformation
  • About the Role of Media in Society
  • About the News Gathering Process
  • About Ethics and Fairness
  • About Working Under Pressure
  • About Dealing with Sources
  • About Their Career Journey
  • About the Future of Journalism
  • In an Interview
  • Interesting Questions to Ask
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Are there any questions that are off-limits?
  • How do I know if a journalist is credible?

To Ask a Journalist Mentor

  1. How did you get started in journalism?
  2. What do you wish you knew when you were just starting out?
  3. What are the essential skills every journalist should have?
  4. Can you recommend any good books or resources to learn from?
  5. How do you come up with story ideas that people care about?
  6. What’s your process for researching a story?
  7. How do you decide which sources to trust?
  8. How do you approach people to get interviews?
  9. What tips do you have for making interviews more meaningful?
  10. How do you handle the pressure of tight deadlines?
  11. What’s your strategy for staying organized, especially when juggling multiple stories?
  12. How do you deal with writer’s block?
  13. Can you give me some advice on writing a compelling intro?
  14. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made in your career, and how did you learn from it?
  15. Have you ever faced legal issues in your work? How did you handle it?
  16. How do you keep your work balanced and avoid burnout?
  17. What role do you think social media plays in modern journalism?
  18. How do you verify information in the age of “fake news“?
  19. How do you handle ethical dilemmas, like whether to protect a source?
  20. Do you think journalism is changing? If so, how?
  21. What are the challenges of being a freelance journalist versus working for an organization?
  22. How do you handle negative feedback or criticism?
  23. How do you stay updated on current events and trends?
  24. What role does data journalism play today?
  25. How important is networking in this field?
  26. What are some good habits that have helped you in your career?
  27. How do you decide when a story is finished and ready to be published?
  28. How did you build your portfolio when you were just starting?
  29. What’s the most rewarding part of being a journalist for you?
  30. Do you have any final words of wisdom for someone like me looking to make it in the journalism field?

To Ask a Journalist Speaker

  1. What’s the main message you want people to take away from your talk today?
  2. How has your background influenced your approach to journalism?
  3. Can you share a behind-the-scenes story related to one of your big articles?
  4. What role do you think journalists should play in shaping public opinion?
  5. How do you cope with the fast pace of the news cycle?
  6. Can you talk about a mentor who helped shape your career?
  7. How do you deal with the stress and emotional toll of reporting on difficult subjects?
  8. What are some emerging trends in journalism that you’re excited about?
  9. How do you stay ahead of the competition in breaking news?
  10. Do you have any techniques for writing headlines that grab attention?
  11. How do you ensure you give a voice to marginalized communities in your work?
  12. What are some key qualities that make for a great newsroom team?
  13. How do you approach long-form journalism as opposed to shorter pieces?
  14. Can you share an example of a story where you had to pivot your focus due to unexpected developments?
  15. What’s your approach to covering politics in a polarized environment?
  16. How do you safeguard your mental health while being constantly exposed to the news?
  17. What’s the most important skill you believe journalism students should focus on?
  18. How do you ensure your work remains relevant over time?
  19. What’s your take on the relationship between journalism and activism?
  20. Have you worked in international journalism? If so, how is it different from reporting in your home country?
  21. How do you deal with trolls or online harassment related to your work?
  22. What’s the most innovative storytelling format you’ve experimented with?
  23. How has your work been influenced by the rise of podcasts and other new media?
  24. Can you share a time you had to navigate a cultural barrier to get a story?
  25. How do you keep the audience engaged in complex or technical topics?
  26. What tools or software do you find indispensable in your work?
  27. Have you collaborated with other fields (like scientists or artists) for a story? What was that like?
  28. How do you keep your skills updated in a rapidly evolving field?
  29. What’s the one question you wish people would ask you but never do?
  30. Is there a dream story you’ve always wanted to cover but haven’t had the chance to yet?

To Ask a Sports Journalist

  1. How did you get into sports journalism specifically?
  2. What’s the most memorable game or event you’ve ever covered?
  3. How do you prepare for covering a new sport or athlete?
  4. Do you have a favorite sport to cover? Why?
  5. How do you manage to stay unbiased when covering teams or athletes you personally root for?
  6. What’s the craziest fan moment you’ve witnessed while covering a game?
  7. How do you keep up with multiple sports seasons overlapping?
  8. What’s your take on analytics and statistics in modern sports journalism?
  9. How do you balance covering games versus off-the-field stories?
  10. Do you have a favorite athlete interview? What made it special?
  11. How important is social media for sharing sports news and updates?
  12. What role do you see for sports journalism in highlighting social issues like equality and activism?
  13. Do you ever collaborate with sports photographers? What’s that like?
  14. How do you make sure you’re asking athletes questions they haven’t heard a million times?
  15. How do you manage relationships with coaches and team staff?
  16. Have you ever had an awkward or tense moment in a locker room interview?
  17. How do you prepare for big events like the Olympics or World Cup?
  18. What challenges have you faced when covering international sports?
  19. How do you deal with the fast pace of sports news, especially during a live game?
  20. How do you navigate sports controversies or scandals?
  21. How has sports journalism changed during your time in the field?
  22. Do you write differently for die-hard fans compared to casual readers?
  23. How do you handle reporting on injuries or sensitive team matters?
  24. Have you ever been caught up in the emotion of a game you were covering?
  25. What was your most challenging piece to write and why?
  26. How do you stay knowledgeable about changes in sports rules or formats?
  27. What’s your method for fact-checking sports stats and information?
  28. How do you deal with the travel that comes with following teams or athletes?
  29. What skills do you think are unique to being a successful sports journalist?
  30. What’s the one sports story you wish you could have covered but didn’t?

To Ask a Broadcast Journalist

  1. What led you to choose broadcast journalism over print or digital?
  2. How do you prepare before going on air?
  3. What’s it like working with a news anchor or host?
  4. Can you describe the process of putting together a news segment?
  5. How do you manage live reporting, especially in unpredictable situations?
  6. How important is body language and voice tone in your job?
  7. How do you interact with your camera crew and producers during a broadcast?
  8. How do you make complex topics easy to understand for viewers?
  9. Have you ever had any on-air bloopers? How did you recover?
  10. How do you handle breaking news when you’re already on air?
  11. What kind of equipment do you usually work with?
  12. What’s your strategy for engaging viewers within the first few minutes?
  13. How do you keep your energy up during long broadcasts?
  14. How much say do you have in the stories or angles that get airtime?
  15. How do you adjust your approach for radio vs. television broadcasting?
  16. What’s the most unexpected thing that has happened while you were on air?
  17. How do you balance visual elements like graphics or videos in your reporting?
  18. What role do teleprompters play in your work?
  19. Have you ever had to report on a story that had personal significance to you?
  20. How does live reporting differ from pre-recorded segments?
  21. What’s the importance of timing in broadcast journalism?
  22. How do you ensure that your reporting is accessible to a diverse audience?
  23. Do you have a signature style or phrase that you use on-air?
  24. How do you deal with viewer feedback, both positive and negative?
  25. How closely do you work with a wardrobe or makeup team?
  26. What backup plans do you have in case of technical difficulties?
  27. How do you protect your voice and overall health, given the demands of the job?
  28. How do you manage confidentiality when you’re about to go on air with sensitive news?
  29. Do you work with fact-checkers in real time?
  30. What’s the one piece of advice you’d give to someone aspiring to be a broadcast journalist?

About Their Job

  1. What time does your workday usually start and end?
  2. Can you describe the first thing you do when you get to work?
  3. How do you usually pitch a story idea to your editor?
  4. Do you work more in the field or at your desk?
  5. What’s your go-to tool for taking notes during interviews?
  6. How do you keep track of all your deadlines?
  7. What’s the quickest you’ve ever had to produce a story?
  8. How many stories do you typically work on at the same time?
  9. How do you balance accuracy with speed, especially when news is breaking?
  10. Can you walk us through how you prepare for a big interview?
  11. What part of your job do you find the most challenging?
  12. Is there a routine or ritual you have before publishing a story?
  13. How do you handle it when a source pulls out or refuses to comment?
  14. How often do you collaborate with photographers or videographers?
  15. What’s the editing process like for one of your pieces?
  16. How much freedom do you have in choosing the stories you cover?
  17. How closely do you follow your beat or area of expertise?
  18. How much time do you spend reading other publications?
  19. How often do you meet with your team or editor?
  20. What’s your approach to writing an attention-grabbing lead?
  21. Do you write the headlines for your stories, or is that someone else’s job?
  22. How do you keep your writing fresh and avoid repeating yourself?
  23. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned on the job?
  24. How do you ensure your articles are accessible to a wide audience?
  25. Do you use any special software for data analysis or other tasks?
  26. How do you manage your workload during particularly busy news cycles?
  27. What role does feedback from readers play in your work?
  28. How often do you revisit past stories for updates or follow-ups?
  29. Do you ever work on freelance projects, or is your focus solely on your primary job?
  30. What’s the most satisfying moment you experience in a typical work week?

About Their Most Memorable Stories

  1. What makes a particular story stand out as memorable for you?
  2. Can you share the most emotional story you’ve ever covered?
  3. Have you ever had a story change your personal beliefs or attitudes?
  4. What’s the most impactful story you’ve worked on in terms of creating change?
  5. Have you ever had a story take a completely unexpected turn?
  6. What was the longest you’ve ever spent researching and writing a single story?
  7. Is there a story you felt scared or nervous to publish? Why?
  8. What’s the most rewarding feedback you’ve received on a story?
  9. Can you recall a story that had a surprising impact on your audience?
  10. Have you ever had to drop a promising story? What happened?
  11. What’s the most controversial story you’ve covered?
  12. Have you ever had a story picked up or cited by larger or international outlets?
  13. What’s the most difficult ethical decision you’ve had to make on a story?
  14. Did you ever form an unexpected friendship or relationship through a story?
  15. What story made you feel most connected to your community?
  16. Have you ever received threats or backlash for a story? How did you handle it?
  17. Can you share a story where you had to go above and beyond to verify information?
  18. What’s a story that you felt was overlooked or underappreciated?
  19. Have you ever covered a story that became a major news event unexpectedly?
  20. What’s the most heartwarming story you’ve ever written?
  21. Was there a story that you felt personally invested in more than others?
  22. Is there a story you wish you could rewrite or revisit?
  23. Have you ever had a story that made you question continuing in journalism?
  24. What’s the most adventurous or daring thing you’ve done for a story?
  25. Have you ever had a story that failed or flopped but taught you important lessons?
  26. What was your first memorable story when starting out in journalism?
  27. Can you share a story where you felt your reporting made a direct, positive impact?
  28. Have you ever gotten exclusive access to a story? How did that happen?
  29. What’s the most challenging interview you’ve conducted for a story?
  30. What’s a story that you thought was “just another assignment” but ended up being really impactful?

About Fake News and Misinformation

  1. How do you define “fake news” in your own words?
  2. What do you think is the main driver behind the spread of fake news?
  3. Have you ever been accused of spreading fake news? How did you handle it?
  4. What steps do you take to verify the information before publishing a story?
  5. How does your news outlet handle corrections if something false is published?
  6. Do you think social media platforms are doing enough to combat fake news?
  7. How do you think misinformation affects public trust in journalism?
  8. Have you covered stories that debunk fake news or misinformation?
  9. What’s the most outrageous piece of fake news you’ve ever seen?
  10. How should regular folks check the credibility of news they find online?
  11. Do you think fake news has gotten worse with the rise of the internet?
  12. How do you feel about politicians or public figures who label uncomfortable facts as “fake news“?
  13. What’s the role of journalism schools in teaching how to combat fake news?
  14. Are there any fact-checking tools or resources you swear by?
  15. Do you think some genres of journalism are more susceptible to fake news than others?
  16. What’s the most common form of misinformation you encounter in your field?
  17. Do you believe that tougher laws should be enacted against the spread of fake news?
  18. How do you navigate reporting on false information without amplifying it?
  19. Has your newsroom ever held training or workshops focused on combating fake news?
  20. Do you think fake news is more prevalent in certain countries?
  21. How can readers help journalists in the fight against misinformation?
  22. What are the most common signs that a news story might be fake?
  23. How do you approach sources who provide you with false information?
  24. Is there a story you’ve covered where fake news played a big role?
  25. Have you collaborated with fact-checkers or other experts for a story?
  26. What are some psychological tricks that fake news uses to fool people?
  27. How do you feel about “deepfakes” and their potential impact on news?
  28. What’s the best way for journalists to regain public trust in a “post-truth” era?
  29. How do you deal with family or friends who share fake news?
  30. Do you think the battle against fake news can ever be won?

About the Role of Media in Society

  1. What do you think is the most important function of the media in a democracy?
  2. How do you see the role of media evolving in the next decade?
  3. Do you think media outlets have a social responsibility beyond reporting the news?
  4. How does media coverage influence public opinion, in your view?
  5. Do you believe the media plays a part in shaping cultural norms?
  6. What are your thoughts on media bias? Is it unavoidable?
  7. How does media coverage affect political elections?
  8. What role does the media play in times of crisis or disaster?
  9. Do you think the media gives a voice to the voiceless? How?
  10. How does media coverage differ in various parts of the world?
  11. Can you talk about a time when media attention significantly helped a social cause?
  12. What’s your take on the media’s role in educating the public?
  13. How does the media interact with institutions like the government or big corporations?
  14. Do you think the media should entertain, inform, or both?
  15. How do you feel about citizen journalism and its impact on traditional media?
  16. How important is diversity in media, both in topics and who is reporting them?
  17. Do you think the media does enough to scrutinize people in power?
  18. What’s your opinion on how the media portrays minorities and marginalized communities?
  19. How does the media contribute to the spread or debunking of stereotypes?
  20. Can you share an example where the media had a positive impact on your community?
  21. What role do ethics play in modern journalism?
  22. How does the media balance public interest versus privacy?
  23. What are the biggest challenges facing the media today?
  24. Do you think people are becoming more or less trusting of the media?
  25. How do you see the competition between traditional and digital media shaping the industry?
  26. Is there a line the media shouldn’t cross? Where do you draw it?
  27. How do you feel about the rise of “infotainment“?
  28. What’s your take on the media’s role in global issues like climate change or human rights?
  29. How do you think the media influences the younger generation?
  30. What’s the one thing you wish people understood better about the role of media in society?

About the News Gathering Process

  1. What are your go-to methods for finding story ideas?
  2. How do you decide which story is worth pursuing?
  3. Can you walk me through your day-to-day research routine?
  4. What’s your process for verifying the facts and figures in your stories?
  5. How do you go about finding credible sources?
  6. Do you ever use anonymous sources, and if so, why?
  7. How do you prepare for an interview with a source?
  8. What’s the hardest part about gathering information for a story?
  9. Have you ever faced barriers or obstacles while trying to get information? What were they?
  10. Do you use any specialized software or tools in your research?
  11. How much time do you typically spend on the research phase of a story?
  12. What role do press releases play in your news gathering?
  13. How do you approach sensitive or controversial topics when gathering news?
  14. Can you share a story about a time your initial angle on a story changed drastically as you gathered more information?
  15. How do you handle conflicting accounts or data while researching?
  16. Do you have a checklist or set procedure you follow for each story?
  17. How important are first-hand accounts or eyewitnesses in your reporting?
  18. What do you think about using data journalism in news gathering?
  19. How do you ensure you’re getting a balanced view when collecting information?
  20. How often do you collaborate with other journalists or departments in the news-gathering process?
  21. How do you handle deadlines when gathering news isn’t going as planned?
  22. What role do social media and public forums play in your news gathering?
  23. Have you ever had to abandon a story because you couldn’t gather enough information?
  24. How do you prioritize multiple stories you’re working on?
  25. What’s the role of editors in the news-gathering process?
  26. How do you keep track of all your sources, notes, and data?
  27. What are your biggest challenges in news gathering today?
  28. How do you ensure your personal biases don’t affect your news gathering?
  29. How do you decide when you’ve gathered enough information to start writing?
  30. What advice would you give to aspiring journalists about the news-gathering process?

About Ethics and Fairness

  1. How would you define journalistic ethics?
  2. What’s your personal code of ethics when it comes to reporting?
  3. Can you share an example where you had to make a tough ethical choice?
  4. How do you navigate the fine line between public interest and invasion of privacy?
  5. What are the ethical considerations when dealing with vulnerable sources or subjects?
  6. Have you ever refused to cover a story on ethical grounds?
  7. How do you handle conflicts of interest in your reporting?
  8. What are your thoughts on accepting gifts or favors from sources?
  9. How do you maintain fairness when covering highly divisive issues?
  10. Do you think journalists should always be impartial? Why or why not?
  11. How does your newsroom handle ethical dilemmas?
  12. What’s your take on sensationalism in the media?
  13. Are there topics that you think should be off-limits for journalists?
  14. How do you go about correcting mistakes or inaccuracies in your reporting?
  15. What ethical challenges have you noticed with the rise of digital journalism?
  16. How do you manage transparency with your audience?
  17. Can you talk about a time when you felt pressure to compromise on ethics?
  18. What steps do you take to ensure diverse perspectives in your reporting?
  19. How do you handle the ethics of reporting on rumors or leaks?
  20. How important is it to separate opinion and editorial content from news reporting?
  21. Do you think ethical standards in journalism are universal, or can they vary by culture or country?
  22. What’s your policy on using graphic images or content?
  23. How do you handle it when a source asks to review a story before it’s published?
  24. How do you make sure not to plagiarize or infringe on others’ work?
  25. What ethical challenges do you think are most pressing for the future of journalism?
  26. What role does accountability play in journalistic ethics?
  27. Do you feel the public has a good understanding of journalistic ethics?
  28. Have you ever been in a situation where legal and ethical considerations were at odds?
  29. How do you balance the urgency of breaking news with the need for accurate and ethical reporting?
  30. What’s one piece of advice about ethics and fairness you would give to a young journalist?

About Working Under Pressure

  1. How do you handle the stress of tight deadlines?
  2. Can you share a story where you had to report breaking news? What was it like?
  3. What strategies do you use to stay focused when multiple stories are developing?
  4. Have you ever had to report on a story that emotionally affected you? How did you cope?
  5. What’s your routine to unwind after a particularly stressful day of reporting?
  6. How do you prioritize which story to focus on when everything seems urgent?
  7. Do you have any techniques for quick fact-checking under time constraints?
  8. How do you manage your time when juggling interviews, research, and writing?
  9. How do you handle corrections or retractions when you’re pressed for time?
  10. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made under pressure and what did you learn from it?
  11. How do you maintain work-life balance when news can break at any time?
  12. How do you deal with the pressure of being the first to break a story?
  13. What role do your editors and teammates play in helping you manage pressure?
  14. Have you ever had to cover live events? How does that add to the pressure?
  15. How do you ensure quality doesn’t suffer when you’re rushing to meet a deadline?
  16. Do you use any tools or apps that help you manage stress or time?
  17. What’s your strategy for dealing with negative feedback or criticism in high-stakes situations?
  18. How do you handle it if you have incomplete information but the story has to go out?
  19. How do you maintain your ethical standards when working under pressure?
  20. Do you have a go-to person for a second opinion when you’re in a time crunch?
  21. Have you ever faced physical dangers while reporting? How did you handle it?
  22. What’s the role of adrenaline in your work?
  23. How do you manage the pressure of public expectations, especially on big stories?
  24. Do you think working under pressure has made you a better journalist? How so?
  25. Can you talk about a time when you had to adapt quickly due to sudden changes in a story?
  26. How do you ensure you’re communicating clearly with your team when the clock is ticking?
  27. Have you ever had to scrap a story last minute? How did you pivot?
  28. What self-care routines do you think are crucial for a journalist?
  29. How do you keep your emotions in check in high-pressure situations?
  30. What advice would you give to aspiring journalists about handling the stress and pressures of the job?

About Dealing with Sources

  1. How do you initially approach a new source?
  2. What’s your protocol for confirming a source’s identity?
  3. Do you ever use intermediaries to connect with potential sources?
  4. How do you ensure a source’s safety, especially in sensitive or risky stories?
  5. What role does intuition play in deciding whether to trust a source?
  6. Have you ever had to deal with a whistle-blower? What special precautions did you take?
  7. How do you tackle language barriers or cultural differences when dealing with international sources?
  8. What backup plans do you have if a source suddenly becomes unavailable?
  9. Do you record your interviews with sources? Why or why not?
  10. Have you ever had a source ask for money, favors, or special treatment?
  11. What’s your take on using family and friends as sources?
  12. How do you cope with a source who provides incorrect information, whether intentionally or not?
  13. What’s your strategy for juggling multiple sources for a single story?
  14. How do you decide which platform or medium is best for communicating with a particular source?
  15. Do you think it’s ever acceptable to deceive a source for the greater good?
  16. What guidelines do you follow for maintaining source confidentiality in digital communications?
  17. How do you navigate the ethical considerations of using leaked or hacked information from a source?
  18. How do you manage the expectations a source may have about how they will be portrayed?
  19. Do you provide sources with an idea of when the story will be published?
  20. How do you handle the situation if a source wants to retract their statements after an interview?
  21. What do you do when you have reason to believe a source is being dishonest?
  22. How do you manage the informed consent of your sources?
  23. Have you ever faced repercussions for refusing to reveal a source?
  24. What criteria do you use to weigh the credibility of a source against another when they provide conflicting information?
  25. How do you prepare for an interview with a particularly hostile or uncooperative source?
  26. Do you ever use ‘background‘ or ‘deep background‘ as conditions for speaking with a source? What do these terms mean to you?
  27. What methods do you use to keep your list of contacts and sources organized?
  28. Have you ever had to confront a source about discrepancies in their story?
  29. Do you ever check in with sources long after the story has been published for updates or follow-ups?
  30. What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned about dealing with sources throughout your career?

About Their Career Journey

  1. What inspired you to become a journalist?
  2. How did you get your first break in the industry?
  3. Can you tell me about your very first reporting assignment?
  4. Have you always worked in the same field of journalism (like politics, sports, etc.), or have you switched?
  5. What’s one story you’ve covered that you’ll never forget?
  6. What was the biggest hurdle you faced early in your career?
  7. Have you had any mentors who helped you along the way? What did you learn from them?
  8. What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
  9. Did you always know you wanted to go into journalism, or did you consider other careers?
  10. How do you continue learning and improving in your profession?
  11. What was your “big break” story that got you noticed?
  12. How have you adapted to the changes in technology and social media in journalism?
  13. Have you ever worked in a different kind of media (like radio, TV, print, etc.)? How was that experience?
  14. What’s the most challenging assignment you’ve ever taken on?
  15. Have you ever turned down a story or assignment? Why?
  16. What skills do you think are most important for someone entering journalism today?
  17. How do you handle the highs and lows that come with the job?
  18. What’s your process for developing a story idea into a full-fledged article or segment?
  19. Have you won any awards or received any recognition for your work? What did that mean to you?
  20. What advice would you give to someone just starting out in journalism?
  21. Have you ever faced a crisis of confidence in your career? How did you overcome it?
  22. How important is networking in your field, and how do you go about it?
  23. Did you go to journalism school? Do you think it’s necessary?
  24. Have you ever changed your approach or style in response to feedback or criticism?
  25. How do you balance work and personal life, especially when news can happen at any time?
  26. What are some stories or projects that you’re most proud of?
  27. Have you had opportunities to work internationally? What was that like?
  28. Have you ever collaborated with other journalists or publications? What was that experience like?
  29. Do you have a “dream assignment” you’re hoping to cover one day?
  30. Looking back at your career, is there anything you would do differently?

About the Future of Journalism

  1. How do you see the role of journalism changing in the next 10 years?
  2. What impact do you think artificial intelligence will have on journalism?
  3. How are newsrooms adapting to the digital age?
  4. Do you think print media will survive? Why or why not?
  5. What skills do you think upcoming journalists should focus on?
  6. How is social media changing the way journalists find and report stories?
  7. What are your thoughts on citizen journalism?
  8. Do you think news outlets can still be unbiased in today’s polarized world?
  9. What’s your take on the growing trend of podcasts and their role in journalism?
  10. How can journalism adapt to better serve younger audiences?
  11. What impact has the rise of “fake news” had on public trust, and how can journalism rebuild it?
  12. Do you think independent journalism can survive in the age of corporate-owned media houses?
  13. How do you see data journalism evolving?
  14. Are paywalls a sustainable model for online journalism?
  15. What role do you think community-focused journalism will play in the future?
  16. How can journalism better represent diverse voices and communities?
  17. How is technology like drones or VR affecting storytelling in journalism?
  18. What’s the future of investigative journalism in an era of shrinking newsroom budgets?
  19. Do you think traditional journalism ethics are still relevant in today’s changing landscape?
  20. How can journalists better engage with their audiences in the future?
  21. What do you think about collaborations between different media outlets?
  22. How important will freelance journalism be in the future?
  23. What are the emerging platforms you see as important for the future of journalism?
  24. How do you see the balance between speed and accuracy evolving?
  25. Do you think journalism will become more specialized in certain topics?
  26. How can journalism better tackle global issues like climate change or international conflicts?
  27. What are some new storytelling techniques that could shape the future of journalism?
  28. How do you see the role of editors changing in the future?
  29. What are the major challenges journalism will face in the coming years?
  30. Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of journalism, and why?

In an Interview

  1. What inspired you to become a journalist?
  2. Can you talk about a story you covered that had a big impact?
  3. What’s the most challenging story you’ve ever worked on?
  4. How do you handle reporting on sensitive or controversial topics?
  5. Can you walk us through a day in your life as a journalist?
  6. What’s the most interesting interview you’ve conducted and why?
  7. How do you fact-check your stories?
  8. How do you handle corrections when you get something wrong?
  9. What steps do you take to ensure your reporting is unbiased?
  10. How has technology changed the way you work?
  11. What’s the role of journalism in a democratic society?
  12. How do you see the future of print journalism?
  13. Can you share a time when you had to work with a difficult editor or colleague?
  14. How do you prioritize multiple stories when everything seems urgent?
  15. Have you ever been threatened or put in danger because of your work?
  16. How important is investigative journalism in today’s world?
  17. What’s your take on citizen journalism?
  18. How do you use visuals, like photos or videos, to enhance your stories?
  19. Have you ever faced a moral conflict while covering a story?
  20. How do you maintain your focus when covering emotionally draining topics?
  21. What advice would you give to young people who want to pursue journalism?
  22. How do you adapt your writing style for different types of stories?
  23. Can you name a journalist that you look up to and tell us why?
  24. How do you measure the success of a story?
  25. What are your thoughts on how the public perceives journalists today?
  26. How do you decide which medium (print, digital, video) is best for a story?
  27. Have you ever turned down a story assignment? Why?
  28. How do you build and maintain relationships with your sources?
  29. What are some challenges journalists face that the public might not be aware of?
  30. If you could change one thing about the journalism industry, what would it be?

Interesting Questions to Ask

  1. What’s the oddest situation you’ve found yourself in while reporting?
  2. Have you ever had a “fan moment” when interviewing someone famous?
  3. What’s one myth about journalism that you’d love to debunk?
  4. If you could interview any historical figure, who would it be and why?
  5. What’s the weirdest press release you’ve ever received?
  6. Have you ever used a disguise or pseudonym for a story?
  7. What’s the most interesting location you’ve ever reported from?
  8. Do you think robots could ever replace human journalists?
  9. If your journalism career were a movie, what would be the title?
  10. What’s the most “Hollywood” moment you’ve had in your career?
  11. How do you feel about being the subject of the news rather than reporting it?
  12. What’s the strangest thing you’ve done to get a story?
  13. Do you have a “white whale” story you’ve always wanted to cover but couldn’t?
  14. How do you feel about journalists being portrayed in movies and TV shows?
  15. What’s the most surprising fact you’ve learned while researching a story?
  16. What’s the funniest mistake you’ve made in your career?
  17. Have you ever received an unusual gift or token of appreciation from an interviewee?
  18. What’s your dream journalism project if money and resources were not an issue?
  19. Have you ever been starstruck by someone you’ve interviewed?
  20. What’s a topic you think is underreported and needs more attention?
  21. What’s the most bizarre interaction you’ve had with a reader or viewer?
  22. Do you have a favorite journalism-related book or movie?
  23. If you weren’t a journalist, what profession would you most likely be in?
  24. How do you feel about “citizen journalism,” where people report news via social media?
  25. Have you ever uncovered something you wish you hadn’t?
  26. What’s the most memorable quote you’ve ever heard from a source?
  27. What’s the most unusual source of inspiration you’ve had for a story?
  28. Have you ever been pranked while on the job?
  29. What’s your go-to snack or drink during long hours of reporting?
  30. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your younger self starting out in journalism?

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any questions that are off-limits?

Generally, journalists value transparency, but questions about confidential sources or ongoing investigations could be sensitive topics. Always be respectful and allow them to decline to answer certain questions.

How do I know if a journalist is credible?

Here are some things to consider:

  • Experience: Look at their past work and reputation.
  • Affiliation: Are they from a reputable media outlet?
  • Transparency: Are they willing to answer your questions openly?

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